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It took a bit, but I finally feel clean. Though part of me feels I'm just overreacting, I just can't shake these feelings. Not the nerves nor the dirt and grime felt like they would be leaving anytime soon.

The tension in my bones is so agitating I could probably punch a wall. I feel like I'm going to make myself sick with all this overthinking; it's just one thing after another.

Part of me wishes Ghost or König were here to calm me.

Shame settles on my shoulders, on top of all the guilt and nerves and it's unbearable. Am I going to apologise? No. Am I going to go back to their dorm? Also no. But does it bother me? Yes. Like hell it does.

But more than anything, it bothers me that they've let me distance myself. I haven't been away from them for like... Months. Especially not at night. Nevertheless, the caffeine wore off ages ago and I'm fucking tired.

Crawling onto the unfamiliar feeling of what's supposed to be my bed, I shift around like the soft sheets are spiked with thousands of needles, poking me. The word "awkward" doesn't begin to describe the feeling of being in this once comfortable bed. Alone.

It's unbelievably unsettling.

It's quiet... Obviously. However, that doesn't stop the volume of my thoughts from screaming at me. Screaming to run.

Groaning, I shift to my other side – for what feels like the millionth time – as I try to force myself to stay still long enough to fall asleep. All I want to do is fall asleep, I lie to myself. Regardless of how agitated I am, I can't deny that my eyelids are getting heavier by the second.

I roll onto my back, staring up at the darkness and take a deep breath. You can worry about things tomorrow, I chastise myself and close my eyes.

(A/N: section includes violence, gore, death, human trafficking and human experimentation/torture)

"Oh shut up you fucking wimp!" I barely had enough time to flinch at his words before his fist landed on my face. My body tugs against the restraints on my wrists and ankles as I let my body droop but, that only makes the chains dig harder into my skin.

I don't know how long I've been here at this point.

"Now, now." I hear the slap of plastic gloves as the 'doctor' approaches me. But he's no fucking doctor.

After I was captured by the soldiers, I – along with almost every other child from my village and the ones before us – was escorted to a high-security facility, where we've all been tortured for however long.

My body's been bruised, broken, tampered with and used. But the 'doctor' never cared about that. He only cares about which of us can survive whatever drug he's been injecting us with and... It's not many of us.

I'd bet we started with about 50 children, plus the other 30 that were already here and after 10 guard shift changes, there are only about 35 of us left.

I've had to count shift changes since there aren't any windows in this building and it's not like we're allowed to go out. I have no clue how accurate my assumptions are, but I'm starting to recognise a few faces and they seem to come back every 3 shifts. Whether that means it's a new day or not... Like I said, I wouldn't know.

"You've been holding up the best out of everyone," the doctor purrs approvingly. It's disgusting but, more than anything, terrifying. My mother used to warn me of guys that look like him – grimy, dirty, with a psychotic look in their eyes – and now, I really understand why.

But it's too late for that, I guess.

My mother's dead. The soldier that shot her, dragged her body in front of me just to leave it at my feet and walk past without a word or a hint of remorse. It was effective, a clear warning and I had shut up then and there.

Taking another eery step towards me – limping to his right foot as always – the doctor flicks the syringe in his hand to get the bubbles out. My breathing hitches in my throat as panic spreads through me. It's dizzying just thinking about what's going to happen. Even though I've gone through this process, the exact same process, 15 times now. It never gets easier.

Yet, the doctor's steps still get closer. My eyes seal shut as beads of sweat form on the back of my neck, grouping till the cold slips down my spine with an uncomfortable slither. My eyes are shut and I still see the doctor approaching me. I can hear his steps and I count them.

5, 6, 7.

I know there are only 3 more steps left. 3 more steps till I'm injected with that thing.


I want to scream. I want nothing more than to thrash against my chains – as I have every other time – but I know it's no use. The only thing struggling gets you is a beating till your body's a bloodied mess. Barely recognisable. Barely alive.


I know my fate is sealed; I only wish someone would come save me. But, no matter how many times I pray to a god I no longer believe in, help never comes.

The pain never stops.


Everything's gone numb, my heart feels like solid ice. But at the same time, my blood is running cold from fear. Pure, ice-cold fear. I keep telling myself I'm used to this. I know the pain the injection results in, just as I know how badly the injection itself hurts but...

A scream rips through the air. My scream. My scream that I didn't even know was mine till my eyes flooded open to stare into those cold, amused eyes. The curdling scream that came out of my throat was so distraught – so incredibly brutal – that I didn't even recognise it.

But now that I have, I'm filled with nothing but dread.

"You forget," the doctor coos as he places a dirtied bandage over my arm, where the injection was. He's been using that same rag the whole time; not even bothering to clean it.

A malicious smile crosses the guard's face. "You're not allowed to scream," he finishes the doctor's sentence.


Abruptly, my chains are unlocked and I fall to the floor with a bone-cracking thump. Pain spikes my tailbone, lacing its way up my spine but before I can even think of moving, I'm yanked up to my feet.

The guard drags me – unforgivingly – to that place.


No, no, no nonono...

"NO!" My body surges up from my bed and I grab my wrist. Panic setting through me like a cold blade.

With wide eyes, I scan the room. It's my room. I'm alone.

I let out a sigh of relief and I move my hands to my eyes, rubbing them clear. My cheeks are stained with tears, too.

"You alright?" A familiar voice approaches me and just as I thought I was calming down...

My pulse spikes again. I thought I was alone... I am most definitely not.

A/N: Next update: 29th of Jan (2024), 12:00 AM GMT+10

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