FTNCT |Chapter 11|

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Dedicated to OrangeChicken because it was her book "I'll Protect You" that introduced me to the life of Wattpad. If you haven't read it yet, make sure to check it out. You'll Love it.


"We are a nation of communities... a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky." ~George H. W. Bush

I shoved the last box into the truck and gave a thumb up to my Dad. "The truck is fully loaded ready to go."

He nodded and spoke to the driver. I guessed that he was giving the location of the house. The driver nodded as he left the driveway. I turned back to look at the now empty house. This was the place where I had called homed for sixteen years. Ever since the time I had been more. This was the only place I knew. I guess that it was time for a new beginning. I went back inside for one more look.

Memories began to flood in as I looked around. My fingers traced the hand rail where Justin had once slid down the banister. My parents had been furious that day. I went to the backyard where I had taken refuge more than once by looking at the stars. Lastly, I went to my room. The walls were still pink but it looked empty.

I felt extremely nostalgic. Tears were forming in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away. There wasn't going to be any crying today. I gently closed the front door for the last time and looked at the house from the outside. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see my mom.

"It's going to be okay." She mumbled as if guessing my thoughts.

"Yeah it is." My tone held a certain certainty.

So when we went into the car, I didn't take a glance backward, but moved forward.

When we arrive at our new house the movers had already placed all the boxes and furniture inside. My room contained no furniture because Scarlett, Sophia and I were going to start painting today and hopefully finish by the end of the week. That way, my room would be ready.

My mom and Dad started moving the items into rooms that didn't need to be painted or were already painted like Justin's room. I covered my room with old sheets to make sure we didn't drop any paint on the floor. Just as I placed the last sheet on the ground, the doorbell rang. I raced down the stairs but already saw Justin opening the door.

It was Scarlett and Sophia, both wearing old clothing. Sophia was holding a ladder while Scarlett was dragging in paint can as she waved to someone outside.

"Aren't you going to bring them in?" She shouted.

I peeked outside to see Zeke struggling with at least five different paint cans. I rushed outside to help him.

"Thanks," he grunted.

"No problem." I said as I lead him inside.

He dropped them down near the front of the door.

"Hey Zeke," Justin waved to him to get his attention.

He ruffled Justin's hair, "Hey little man."

Justin tried to swat his hand away as he mumbled he wasn't little. "Are you going to help us?" I asked.

"He can't. Apparently he has a big project due for University." Scarlett interjected, her hands quoting 'big project.'

"I do. I better go now so I can start it as soon as possible." He ruffled everyone's hair this time. "Take care of yourselves little chipmunks. Remember the goal is to pain the wall not yourselves. He gave the two figure salute and exited dramatically.

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