FTNCT |Chapter 29|

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"Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future." ~Lewis B.Smedes

"And then Clair actually had to wack him on the back as he was about to choking on his food. Mom's face was priceless while Dad remained stoic as ever."

"Oh my God," I said between laughter. "That is the funniest story I have ever heard."

Sophia grinned. "I really want to see Clair. She seems cool."

Sasha echoed Sophia's words. In the past two weeks Sasha had easily become a close friend to us. At first it took a while since all Scarlett did was glare at her but slowly she started bringing her wall down and Sasha took every opportunity to make sure it remained that way. Sasha completely ignored Natasha and she had really flipped her personality 360o. She wore lesser makeup, dressed more in what she liked and had become a nicer person overall. The change was evident and it was clear that sometimes, from the darkest things a light rises. In this case, it hadn't been a light but Sasha.

"Oh she really is. She hates soccer which was kind of a let-down for me but the other aspects of her personality make up for it. Plus she can beat Zeke's a*ss in any video game which deflates his ego. Did I mention to forget she's also an exceptional cook?" Scarlett rambled on and I smiled.

Scarlett had definitely taken a liking to her which was rare because Scarlett didn't like anyone that she met. Rather she tended to brush them away as she had done when Zeke had first introduced Clair. I on the other hand knew that she would eventually let down her guard. That's just how she was.

Our conversation came to a halt as we saw Nick, Shaun and Dillon up ahead whispering furiously amongst themselves. They stopped immediately when they saw us approaching.

Sophia gave Dillon a weird look. "Is everything okay babe?"

He gave her a smile but it was strained. It looked like he was going to say more but Nike elbowed him in the ribs. "Someone just texted us a shocking piece of news."

I copied the look Sophia had given Dillon but this time it was aimed at Nick. "What, is it some scandal or something? Whatever it is it's probably only gossip."

Shaun interjected at this point. "Nick man, just tell them. Whatever they choose it their choice but I'm going. Traitor or not, someone is in need and that's what friends are for. To help the ones in need even if they weren't there to help you in return."

Scarlett, Sophia, Sasha and I all glanced at each other still confused. What nonsense was Shaun spurting about being a traitor? As far as we were all concerned he hadn't done anything wrong...

It was Nick who erased that confusing moments later. "I just received a text from Maya and it says that Katie's grandmother passed away this morning which is why she's not at school."

I heard a gasp but I wasn't sure if it was mine or one of the other girls. "Her funeral is tomorrow and I know it might be asking a lot but it would probably help her if you all attended."

My mind when numb and what felt like in forever my heart went out to Katie. I was close to my grandmother and loosing someone like that would make a huge impact in my life. It didn't matter what Katie had done as Shaun said you stood up with your friends or in this case ex-friends even if they weren't there when you needed them. I could be mad at Katie a later date but when she was going through something like this it would be utterly selfish if I didn't help her. Plus, not going to the funeral would make me as bad as Katie and I was going to be the better person. I strived to be the better person.

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