FTNCT |Chapter 22|

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Dedicated to daydreaming04 for coming up with the brilliant ship name of Alick. 


"When you look at the stars and the galaxy, you feel that you are not just from any particular piece of land, but from the solar system." ~Kalpana Chawla

I take my words back. Yeah remember those sweet words I uttered about the weekend not being bad? I could really swallow them up right now. I was in a volleyball match between Dillon, Zeke, Sophia, and Scarlett versus Shaun, Maya, Katie and Nick. Originally I had decided I wasn't going to play and make a fool out of myself but that plan had gotten haywire when Zeke threw me over his shoulders and told me with a stern gaze to play or else he would tell my Mom about me lying that he was going to the trip. Grudgingly I had joined the game but I was wishing I hadn't now.

Katie and Nick high-fived, "That was a great spike," he said.

She gave me a heartwarming smile. "It was a great pass."

Shaun stuck out his tongue and smirked. "How does it feel like to be losing?"

"We won't be for long anymore," Zeke said confidently.

As Zeke predicated he was right. In the end of the game we won with a score of 21-19. Even though I had won, somewhere deep within my heart I knew that I had lost the real game. The feeling only became stronger as the day carried on.

Scarlett, Sophia, Katie, Maya and I were all soaking in the sun while the guys were soaking in the water. Nick had taken off his shirt at it was the first time I had seen him without a shirt. It had taken my breath away and it seemed like I wasn't the only one. I heard an audible gasp from Katie when he did so. Nick didn't have a six pack instead you could see the faint outline of his abs making sure that he did indeed work out. His back was wide and muscular; making me wanting to trace my fingers and see how the smooth skin would feel under my palm. '

Luckily I resisted the urge to do so and turned back to the novel I was reading A little Princess one of my all-time favourite classics. I was submerged into the novel until a heard a shout. Sighing I put my book to the side to see who it was.

"Come in the water Sophia!" Dillon shouted. "It's really nice, you'll love it."

Before we knew what was happening Dillon had gotten out of the water and padded to us. He shook of the excess water and drips landed on me. Boy was I not happen. He picked up Sophia who started screaming and carried her all the way till the lake until he dropped her. Her shouts could still be heard from even this distance.

"Hey sis, you coming in the water or do you prefer to be man handled?" Zeke asked innocently enough.

Scarlett got the message and looked at me apologetically that I would be left alone with these Maya and Katie.

"Hey, I understand. Go into the water before be thrown in right?"

She laughed and stripped to her simple white bikini. I returned to my book ignoring the two women beside me.

It was Maya broke the silence. "Hey do you want to come in the water with us? Katie and I are both going."

I started at her and plastered a smile. "No I'm fine her soaking in the sun. I guess I could use the tan."

Katie shrugged her shoulders at the look Maya gave her before telling me to "have fun."

After about five minutes it was getting very hard to read my novel. I would barely get through a page and would here laughter or screaming from the lake. I put my sun glasses on to see what the rest of the crew was doing. It seemed that they were all having a water fight. The laughter as usually had been Katie's but I brushed it off. My heart longed to go into the water my I really didn't want to strip down to my bikini. Usually when I was at the beach with family I didn't care who or what some me but somehow knowing that these guys went to my school made me feel self-conscious.

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