FTNCT |Chapter 15|

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"If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself." ~George Orwell

I rushed up to the stairs passing through the crowded hallways hoping to reach my Physics class on time. I barley had two minutes remaining yet I needed to go to my locker and the bathroom to pee. It wasn't my fault I was later per say. It all started when everyone in my house woke up late. It seemed that all the alarms in my house had momentarily shut off. When Mom opened her eyes and saw that it was 7:45 am she panicked. She quickly woke me and Justin up rushing us out of the house and then she sped like a manic. I didn't really know that she had it in her.

I quickly dialed my combination inwardly cursing when the lock didn't budge. I did it again and it opened on the 3rd try. It was like it was purposely trying to screw me over. I grabbed my textbook and ran towards the Physics lab. People in the halls were giving me weird looks but I didn't care. Mr. Simpson did not tolerate tardiness.

I entered the class just as the bell rang. Mr. Simpson was waiting by the door to shut it in the late people's faces. He gave me a disapproving look but didn't say anything. Thank God for that. He began teaching the lesson but my mind was half asleep. Forgive me, it was the first day back to school and waking up four hours earlier than regular was not feet.

My mind remained droned for the most part of the morning. It was only till lunch when I took a seat across Scarlett and Sophia that I seemed awakened.

"I'm tired," I whined as I twirled the spaghetti around my fork.

Sophia yawned loudly. "Trust me, I'm pretty sure that I got less sleep then you did."

"Oh yeah, I sleep for six hours how about you?"


Scarlett and my eyes widened in response. "What the hell were you doing?"

It seemed all of a sudden that Sophia was interested in her lunch more than meeting our gaze. "I couldn't sleep."

Scarlett and I shared a glance. That was a straight-out lie that she had told us. I quirked my eyebrow at her and mouthed we'll take later. She nodded at me. It seemed later came earlier than expected because Sophia muttered something about returning a book to the library and left. We both watched her leaving refraining from saying anything because we had something important to discuss.

As soon as she was away from ear shot I started. "That's it. She's been hiding something for a long time now. I'm tired of not knowing."

Scarlett nodded. "I noticed but I was trying to give her space but not anymore."

We grinned at each other. "It's time for us to do some espionage work."

We left the cafeteria and walked towards the library because that was where Sophia said she was heading. Not surprisingly, she wasn't there. We even asked the librarian if she had come and she responded with a 'no.'

I turned to Scarlett. "Where do you think she is?"

"I have no idea but when we find her, there will be hell to pay."

We started our search from the top floor scanning our gazes from the English hallways to the Maths looking for the familiar black hair and black glasses. But it seemed we had no avail. The main floor was the same. We asked people we saw in the hallway and they all answered that they had not seen Sophia. It seemed that Sophia had truly disappeared without a trace. Scarlett and I had searched everywhere and we were about to give up. The bell was going to ring in minutes so it seemed that we had wasted our lunch.

As we were about to head back upstairs Scarlett grabbed my arm. "Wait," she muttered.

I looked at her confused. What was the matter with her? I didn't want to be late for class and it seemed that spying on Sophia had not lead us anywhere.

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