FTNCT |Chapter 27|

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." ~Martin Luther King Jr.

For the next couple of weeks I did my best to avoid Katie and Nick and to be honest, it was easier than I thought. They were both hanging alongside one another so instead of avoiding two different people it was more like avoid one. The both of them also seemed to be avoiding me and lunch had become a very stressful matter for the rest of our friends. I had refused to sit in the cafeteria where I knew Katie, Maya and Nick would be so Scarlett and I sat out in the courtyard under the shade of a maple tree.

Sophia would join us every other day as she would spend time with Dillon until he wanted to go and chat up Nick. The being the true loyal friend she was, she would come to us and we would usually finish out homework. Sophia was also able to help me with my French homework on multiple occasions so that was an added bonus. All seemed to be going to well but it all came crashing down on the day of our semi-finals game.

It had been nearly a month since I had last seen Nick or had any lessons with him. Instead I had taken Shaun as my new coach and he helped me improve my skills in ways Nick didn't. It was a nice change to switch coaches and learn different methods and combine it all. It seemed that between Nick and Shaun's teaching I had found a balance it was working spectacularly for me.

"Alana, kick the ball here." Shaun howled cupping his hands between his lips.

I aimed my foot to where I wanted to kick and imagined the ball soaring to Shaun's feet. That's exactly where it landed. Shaun gave me thumbs up and I smiled.

"That was a wonderful kick Alana," Coach Aaron said as he approached from behind me. "I have made my decisions and I want you to start the game today."

I tried looking all dignified but internally all I felt was grateful to be given such an opportunity. "Thanks coach," I choked out.

He glanced at me for a moment before moving on to another player. In the distance I could hear him conversation with someone but I practiced my kicks and tried to get through Scarlett. Our game was starting in an hour and we needed to be in top shape. Pumped for the game but not too tired to play our best.

As I snatched the ball away from Scarlett her eyes settled on something behind me. "Don't look now Alana." She whispered.

I obviously did what everyone does when someone tells them that. I looked behind me. There stood Nick clutching is duffle bag and cleats. His brown hair was parted to the side and his grey eyes were draw to me: more specifically the object by my feet.

The annoying butterflies exploded in my stomach and my body felt warm just by receiving his gaze. Butterflies were the last thing that I needed before the game. Nick was still staring at the ball under the sole of my feet causing me to glace and it again and take in a quick breathe. I was using the ball that Nick had given to me for my sixteenth birthday. Specifically the one he had told me to use when I felt confident in myself as a better player. The memory played over in my head and a nostalgic smile made its way onto my face. How far had I come from the day I had received the ball? I was extremely proud of my progress only that I didn't get to share it with Nick.

My eyes found Nicks and for a moment grey eyes clashed with hazel ones. Quickly as our eyes had made contact I was the first one to look away glancing at the soccer ball again.

I turned to Scarlett. "You want to run that drill again?"

She looked at me weirdly, "did that just happen between the two of you?"

I nodded and kick the ball towards her. "Yeah, let's just ignore it. I really want to focus on the game."

She gave me another look but I ignored it.

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