49 - Helpless

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Nick couldn't believe Will was invisaboss, but the more he thought about it, it made perfect sense. The guy hung around a lot, even before he and Kat started flirting. Poor Kat. After he hung up, he texted Ivy and Sophie. Then he texted his mother, so she would know before Ivy told Kristi, then everyone would know.

His phone rang. When Ivy's picture appeared he smiled. "Hey, can you believe it?"

"No! He must have been laughing behind our backs when he helped us."

Nick laughed. "Yeah, helped us see how well he set up his private corporation."

"We can't lose sight that he saved The Landing. We thought we would need new jobs."

Nick sighed. "I forgot. So much has happened."

"How was your test?"

"It was fine." He had stayed up late studying for a test in his eight o'clock class. He had finished when most kids weren't awake.

"Only a few more weeks and we'll be home."

"I can't wait."

"Hey Nick, do you think Will and Kat will be okay?"

"I don't know. Don't you have class soon?"

"Yeah. I should go." She sighed.

"Hey Ivy, cheer up."

Nick didn't like her to be sad. After their disagreement things went back to normal for the rest of his week in Maine. Nick and Sophie celebrated their birthday at home. Having grown up around poker, their friends came over to play five-card draw. His parents turned a blind eye to Ivy when she had a drink in front of her. She kissed him on his cheek for his birthday and her perfume lingered long after she went home.

When he returned to Florida, their texts morphed into phone calls. Soon they knew each other's schedules and what they ate for dinner. Sometimes she kept him company over Facetime while he was on duty. When her friends stepped in the room, they waved like they knew all about him, but none of it mattered to him. Ivy helped him get through his last weeks in Florida.

After dinner, a Facetime notice popped up while he was working on a lab report.

Clicking on he smiled. "Hey Soph. Hi Ivy. What's going on?"

"The entire Point is going nuts. Everyone is shocked it's Will. Word's out that Alex and Jen knew all along."

Nick nodded. "That doesn't surprise me."

Ivy added, "I bet Will's sister knows, but Sam and Cole didn't. Keira told me."

Nick laughed. Neither were even in Maine and they knew all the gossip. "What's your Mom saying?"

"Pfft. You know her. She's working all the angles. According to Martha, Will left the apartment early this morning and hasn't been seen since."

"Nicky, text him?"


"Yeah." Ivy nodded. "He likes you. He needs to know he still has friends."

"A professional football player doesn't worry about friends."

Sophie scoffed, "He's human too."

"Okay." He picked up his phone.

Hey. You good?

Ivy swooned, "She has to forgive him."

"We'll find out this weekend." Ivy nodded at Sophie.

Nick asked, "What's this weekend?"

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