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The day began with a spectacular start, and promised to be long. Once up, I ran to Shoko's after taking a quick breakfast, just to avoid the drop in blood pressure after the blood test. I stayed a long time, until I had a beautiful pouch filled with very red hemoglobin. Shoko put it away in her fridge, between her lunch and something unidentified, which I hoped wasn't a head. I came out of there, tired, and was going to rest a little before attacking the rest of the preparations. Preparations which were done quite quickly, I collected the clothes I wore the day Gojo found me, a blouse of the same type as the one I wore at work, and a fake gun with blanks that Panda brought me for Namami. I was waiting for him to join me to discuss the plan in detail, since last night we couldn't talk about it. It was only in the early afternoon that he deigned to show up, and I was in a rather bad mood because of the stress that this last minute plan caused me. Nanami landed in the living room where I had been walking up and down for 1 hour. I was going to end up making scratches in the floor at this rate. Luckily for him, he had brought along a dark suit, a hat and glasses to hide his face. I think I would have tear him apart if he hadn't done anything. We chatted for a while, but everything was as simple as he had expected the night before. However, I had a few suggestions.

"Should we perhaps provide make-up ? If we want to make it look like a kidnapping, should I work on my outfit and add some bruises ? We could also add a beard, or even a tattoo, just to do a good job of criminal yakuza and all the rest." I say, picking up Nanami's things to put on mine.

He grumbled an unintelligible answer. I put my hands on my hips, the stress speaking for me.

"What ? Speak louder, I hear nothing."

"Do you really want to go that far ?" He looked at me with his weary eyes.

" Hey, you're the one who designed this plan, and I don't want it to mess up, so if we have to stack all the odds in our favour for it to succeed, I'll do it. I remind you that it's about my life, in this case my death. And if you don't want people to recognize you, that also involves this kind of details. A piece of tattoo that sticks out of a sleeve is an important detail for a cop, so yes, I think it can make all the difference, by adding credible false leads!"

" You especially want to have fun doing my makeup instead."

" Nope ! I swear, it's only for work !"

Hmm. He had seen through to me, the idea had come to me for the reasons I had mentioned, but with them, the reality of drawing a mustache on him with an eyebrow pencil made me howl with laughter. My tendency to make fun of people who were too serious took over and, as I needed to evacuate my stress, I was determined to achieve my goal.

Nanami sighed, laying down his arms.

" It's okay.. but discreet, please.."

"The goal is for it to be visible but not too much, so don't worry. Do you have a favorite pattern ?"

"If I have to play the yakuza, go on tiger and flowers..."

" Yes, you're right, I'm stupid.."

"You're not..."

I took out the makeup bag and turned to him.

"Where do you want it ? On the back, like with a real yakuza ?"

"It will not be visible in the back. In the neck ? If I bend over, it could appear in the space between my shirt collar and my hair ?"

" I can try. Sit there."

I indicated a chair to him then approached, markers in hand.

" It will go away after a few washes normally."

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