Chapter 23

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Peat's POV

"Thank you for the delicious dinner," Peat said to Thanawat as he wiped off a smudge of ranch  dressing that came with the micro greens salad from his lips with his table napkin.

"It's just a small repayment for the treatment you did on my wound," Thanawat replied as he stood up from the dinner table. "I promised your dad that I would send you home right after dinner."

"Oh no you didn't!" Peat exclaimed.

"I did too!" Thanawat countered.

"And what did he say?" Peat asked.

Thanawat hesitated. Should he lie to Peat or should he tell Peat that his dad actually did not want Peat to come home right away but to keep him company for the night.

"Umm ... umm ..." Thanawat stammered.

"I thought so," Peat declared emphatically. "My dad knows that on Tuesdays I don't have to turn in any homework. I'm sure it was okay with him for me to stay a while and keep you company."

Thanawat was about to say "But I don't want your company" but it would have sounded rude and downright mean.

"What do you want to do then?" Thanawat sounded uncertain. He was sure that there was nothing in common between him and Peat. Peat would only find his company boring.

"We could watch a home movie," Peat suggested.

"What genre?" Thanawat asked.

"A romance drama," Peat replied quickly.

Thanawat searched through his playlist from his iPad. Peat peered over his shoulder.

"Oh, let's watch that!" Peat pointed at the movie that was titled "Red, White and Royal Blue."

"Okay," Thanawat agreed, although he wasn't so sure whether he should allow Peat to watch some scenes that were definitely for adults only. The story was about the British heir to the throne who had fallen in love with the First Son of the United States of America and vice versa.

"Stop!" Peat protested when Thanawat covered Peat's eyes during the lovemaking scenes.

The ending was a very emotional but satisfying one and Peat found himself grabbing a tissue from the tissue box on the TV table and wiping away his tears with it.

"I think it's time for bed," Thanawat said, standing from the sofa.

"I agree, let's go, where's your room?" Peat asked with a wide and naughty grin.

"Oww!" Peat protested when Thanawat gave him a painful flick on his forehead. "Your father is waiting for you to come home."

"No he's not!" Peat declared forcefully. "He's expecting me to stay the night. Watch."

And with those words, Peat pulled out his phone from his pocket and tapped on his father's contact number.

"Dad," Peat said when his father took his call. "Please tell Thanawat that it's okay with you that I stay the night here with him."

And with that, Peat handed his phone to Thanawat.

"Thanawat," said Pete's dad before Thanawat could even say a hello. "If it won't be a big bother for you, let my son stay the night with you. He really enjoys your company."

"Okay," said Thanawat in a defeated tone and handed Peat's phone back to Peat.

"I told you!" Peat grinned triumphantly.

"I can let you use the guest room down the hallway." Thanawat said. "It has its own bathroom"

"No!" Peat protested. "I'm afraid of ghosts! You must let me sleep in your room!"

"There are no ghosts in this house," Thanawat said firmly.

"Maybe for you, but I am very sensitive to the presence of ghosts in people's houses," Peat insisted. "Please, please, please, let me sleep in your room with you!"

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