Chapter 31

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

Thanawat was grateful for how carefully his housekeeper/driver/handyman Pete drove the car, avoiding rough parts of the road so as not to cause the ride to be bumpy.

When they got home, Pete immediately set the table and transferred the restaurant bought food into individual plates.

Since his master had not ordered any drinks from the restaurant, Pete took out a carton of guava nectar from the fridge.

"I'm not in the mood for any sweet drinks this evening, Pete," Thanawat said. "Please take out a bottle of Heineken for me."

Pete obediently placed back the carton of guava nectar into the fridge and took out a bottle of Heineken from the shelf on the back of the fridge door.

Pete stood watch by the dining table as his master just toyed around with his dinner but downed the bottle of Heineken in a few gulps.

"Please give me another bottle of Heineken, Pete," Thanawat requested.

Pete nodded, carefully noting how his master's eyes looked a bit red and glistening with unshed tears.

Pete uncapped the second bottle of Heineken and set it down carefully on the dining table.

Thanawat was halfway through the second bottle when his phone rang.

Pete could tell right away that, because it was a personalized ring, the caller was someone special to his master.

Pete stood by, starting to feel tense when his master let the phone keep on ringing without taking the call.

The ringing finally ended but in a few seconds the phone sounded with a notification of a voicemail.

Thanawat continued to drink his beer without taking his phone out of his pocket.

In another few seconds, his phone sounded with an incoming text notification... and then another... and another...

"I'd like another bottle of Heineken, please, Pete," Thanawat said, as he set down the second empty bottle of beer on the table.

Pete went to get the third bottle of beer, suppressing the urge to tell his master that this should be his last bottle of beer for the night.

Pete was uncapping the third bottle of Heineken when both he and Thanawat were startled by the sound of the buzzer at the gate.

Because the house was so quiet, the sound of the buzzer seemed unusually loud.

Pete set down on the table the bottle of beer that he had just uncapped and was just about to turn away to open the gate when Thanawat grabbed his wrist.

"Don't open the gate," Thanawat said to Pete. "I don't want to see him tonight."

"Very well, master," Pete said,

Pete instinctively knew who Thanawat was referring to without Thanawat mentioning his name.

The buzzer went off several more times.

Then Thanawat's phone started to ring once more.

Again Thanawat let the call go to his voicemail.

Thanawat stood up from the table after he finished his third bottle of Heineken.

"I'm alright, Pete," Thanawat said when Pete tried to assist him to his room. "I will be taking my shower now. Please do not open the gate to anyone at all cost."

"I won't, master,"  Pete assured Thanawat as he started to clear the table.

Thanawat had barely touched his food.

Thanawat had just finished taking off his office clothes and was getting ready to step into his shower stall when his phone rang once more.

It was not a personalized ringtone this time. It was a generic ringtone.

Pete walked over to his dresser table where he had set down his phone.

It was Mr. Suelecha, Peat's father, who was calling.

Thanawat stood staring at his ringing phone, undecided whether to take the call or not.

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