Chapter 25

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We are finally pulling into his driveway minutes later. I have to admit, I'm a bit blown away. It's beautiful here. He lives on the edge of a lake. My eyes slowly scan the surrounding area, and for a moment, I'm stunned. Just enjoying looking into the water. Birds flying around his square shaped dock.

“This is it.” He says as he turns his truck off. “We can go fishing anytime you want. I have extra poles in the shed.” He added with a shrug.

“I don't know how” I whispered, a little embarrassed to admit that. My father wasn't really an outdoors man, instead, we would play board games and work on puzzles together.

“Never?” He asked, shock clear in his tone.

I didn't need to look over towards him to know whether he was looking at me or not. I could feel him. His eyes digging into me.

“Nope.” I mumbled while quickly opening the door and stepping out. “Nice place.” I added when my feet hit the grass.

“Thanks. I love it here. No neighbors. Just peace and the occasional fishers passing by.” He chuckled.

I say nothing back, instead I continue to look around me. He has flowers against his front porch, and I can mostly bet everything that his mom planted those for him.

She has great taste in flowers. I had noticed that when I was over at her house. She loved flowers, and I'm sure she craved to dress her son's home up a little. Still knowing it was most likely his mom, I still can't stop the question that comes out of me.

“You did those?” I asked and pointed towards the flowers, my stomach twisting in knots.

“My momma did” He sighed softly. “Wanted my home to be a proper home. I don't see how flowers make a place proper, but I would not argue.”

“Smart man” I commented.

“You saw that gate we passed? Nobody can get inside without knowing that code. Only a handful of people know the code. My family, my best friends and now you. 782290.”

“I'm bad at remembering numbers.” I told him the complete truth. Math was never one of my strong subjects in school. All those numbers would just get messed up inside my head and wouldn't make any sense.

“I'll text you the code. You will learn it eventually. Hopefully, you learn better than my sister, though. She couldn't remember the code for about three months. Annoying as hell, having to hear her honking like crazy. Mad that she was unable to get in.”

“I believe that.” I laughed as the picture of my new bestie honking her horn, probably tapping the steering wheel with her nails, comes to mind.

“She does got a temper. I can't even tell you how many times she shoved her way into my bedroom and would start screeching about one of her toys being gone and blaming me. I barely touched her dolls. I'll admit I did throw a few away when she would mess up one of my WWE action figures, but-”

“I want to go home.” I quickly interrupted his little rant about childhood toys.

I have no doubt that Anna would happily mess with her big brother just because she would find it entertaining, but that's not what I would like to talk about right now.

“We talked about this.” He sighed.

“No. Actually, we haven't.” I argued. We really haven't. He didn't even let me talk this out. He kept shutting me down. “You shot down every option I gave you.”

“We don't have the man power or the money to pay someone extra to just sit on you-”

“Sit on me?” I asked, confused on what he meant by someone sitting on me.

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanWhere stories live. Discover now