Chapter 45

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Later that night, Cedric drove Anna and me back to her house. I almost caved and went home with him, but I needed to have this space from him. I feel like everything happened so quick between us.

He was practically forced to look after me and to keep me safe, and while I don't doubt his feelings for me, I still think our relationship progressed too rapidly.

We moved from strangers to mildly being friends to having affections for one another. Anna was passed drunk and stumbled into her house. She didn't cry any more tonight, which I was thankful for. I didn't enjoy seeing my best friend so upset over something she can't control.

I still think she should talk to Lucas about what happened between them, but she doesn't want to, and I will not push her.

That's between her and him. Even though I wish to fix this for her, I can't. I have to wait and watch their story unfold at the right time. From what I know about Lucas, he isn't the serious relationship type.

Maybe, just possibly, that is because deep down he has feelings for Anna and both are just too afraid to admit it.

“I need to call the station and get an update on the robbery case,” Cedric said as he opened his truck door to let me out. “You sure you don't want to come home with me, baby?”

“I think space is good for us both. We moved so fast that we barely know one another. It all happened so fast, Ced. You didn't really have a choice but to keep me close to protect me from that insane man.” I sucked in a deep breath, praying I was delivering the right words and continued.

“I'm not suggesting that's why you love me. I'm just saying we went from strangers, to friends, to lovers, and then to us dating. And then that night happened, and we have not been the same since. We need to get back to dating.”

“That night didn't change how I feel about you, Avery,” he growled, and pulled me into his arms. “I don't like it, but I understand. You can have your space for now, but babe, you better brace because when I crave something, I don't stop until I get it. And I crave you back in our home and back in our bed.” He sighed, kissed my forehead, and stepped back.

“Goodnight Cedric,” I whispered, and walked backwards into Anna's house, eyes not leaving him until I closed the door.

Once the door was closed, I leaned my back against it and rubbed my chest. It hurt so much to do this. I hated being separated from him, but this is something I think we both need. He has been too focused on keeping me safe, making sure I'm good, that he forgot to live his own life.

Before we started going back to the Sleepy Sheep, he hadn't seen his best friends in weeks.

“This is good for us,” I reminded myself, and headed upstairs to shower and get the smell of lemon martini off me that Anna had accidentally spilled on me while we were dancing.

About thirty minutes later, I'm blow-drying my hair. I had checked on Anna right after I climbed out of the shower, and she was snoring on her bed, still wearing her little black dress from tonight. I had tried to change her into her pajamas, but the girl was dead to the world and was absolutely no help.

My phone suddenly lit up, and I saw Cedric's name, and a picture of him kissing me, flashing across my screen.

I quickly turned off the hair dryer and immediately answered, praying nothing was wrong. He had only left here a little while ago.

“Hey.” I answered as soon as I pressed the accept button.

“Babe, come unlock the door,” he responded, as soon as I accepted the call.

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanWhere stories live. Discover now