Chapter 26

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I wasn't happy with the decision to stay here. I tried talking Cedric into taking me to a hotel a few more times last night, and each attempt failed miserably, which led to a slight argument every time.

I swear, the man stays getting under my skin and I just want to dig him out.

We ate our pizza in silence while sitting in the living room while watching a football game. I'm definitely not a sport following type of girl, but Cedric said he watched the game every week, so I just gave in.

It wasn't like I was even in the mood to enjoy a good movie.

I think Cedric is overreacting a little bit. Just because that woman was kidnapped and has the same color hair as me doesn't mean anything, honestly.

I am woman enough to admit that I am a bit frightened.

That box I had received was creepy. Who would send someone that unless you're deranged in the head? That also doesn't mean I'm in any more danger.

Once I had finished eating my two slices of pizza, I told Cedric I was going to bed. I couldn't fall asleep right away. I laid in bed for at least an hour thinking about how he and I were supposed to make this fake relationship believable.

He annoys the hell out of me with his egotistical comments.

I could finally shut my brain off long enough to fall asleep. I will admit knowing Cedric was in the same house to protect me made me sleep a little easier than I know I would have at a hotel.

I won't be admitting to that, though. His head is big enough without me telling him he was right and that I argued for nothing.

Damn man.

Damn bossy man.

The next morning, I'm feeling nervous about leaving the spare bedroom. This is the first morning of me sleeping over at his house, and it's only because he wants to protect me.

The smell of pancakes lured me out of hiding.

“Good morning. Slept okay?” I hear Cedric's deep sleepy voice as I enter the kitchen.

For a single man, his kitchen is pretty nice. I don't judge anyone honestly, but a kitchen always notifies you about the person who lives in the home and this one tells me the man loves to be in his kitchen. It also tells me he is big on barbecuing.

“Yes. Morning.” I mumbled and looked around for the coffeepot, but didn't see one sitting on the counter. “Um, you don't have a coffee pot.” I accused.

“What?” He asked and chuckled.

“A coffee pot, Cedric. Who doesn't have a coffee pot?” I dramatically screeched.

This is ridiculous. He is a cop. Shouldn't he be into coffee? All the cop shows I watch show the cops always drinking some type of caffeine.

“No, I don't have one. I just grab a cup  I get to the station.” He shrugged and continued flipping the pancakes like not having a coffee pot was a big deal.

It was.

It so totally was a big deal.

“I need a coffee pot.” I informed him. “This will not work for me. I have to have a cup to wake me up, or I'm useless. I'm grumpy. Do you want me to become grumpy?” I asked, hands on my hips.

“Grumpy?” He asked, turned his head back towards me and looked amused.

Nothing about this is amusing. Nothing at all.

“Yes Cedric grumpy.” I snapped.

“Yeah babe, maybe I want to see you get grumpy” He grinned.

Ugh, this man.

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanWhere stories live. Discover now