Chapter #1

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A fall sun warms the aging farmhouse. The scent of porridge stirs Carr from slumber.

Taking in a deeper snort while opening his eyes spies Mother in the kitchen. Calmly she stirs the porridge in a pot over the fireplace fire.

Out of bed he puts on a pair of shabby boots.

Noticing the movement Mother remarks on the tardy waking, "Ah, you've finally decided to join the living. Well breakfast is ready."

"Great." Standing Carr stretches out, "Did you feed the animals?"

Being late in the morning she softly shakes her head with raised brow, "Well they weren't gonna feed themselves."

Using shadows of the window Carr gauges time, "Oh, must've over slept. Thanks Ma."

She's been content with the boy's labors of late, "It's okay. You've worked hard since you came home. The one field has another week, two or more for the corn."

Sitting at the table Carr pours a cup of water. "I'm going to take the boat into the city today. Do you want to come along?"

"You know I don't like it there. It's crowded and the place smells like Wyvern's breath." She places two bowls of steaming mush on the table, "And they'll try and put me in jail."

"Jail?" Carr gives her a quizzical look, "No body is gonna remember you. Hell, most of the city guards were just babies when all that happened."

A mother points out, "It's gonna rain anyway."

Discouraged with her, Carr sticks to spooning up the porridge.

Patting his belly in between a mouthful, "This is pretty good. Where did you find the berries?"

"Northwest of here. About an hours walk." She points to his pack, "I put your things together. Don't forget to take your sword. The city's..."

"A dangerous place, I will." Carr gets up wondering why she's being so pleasant this morning.

"I'll pick up a few months supplies," grabbing up his tattered, black scale armor, "maybe a new boat too."

Half joking she sternly warns, "Don't be wasting all those gems on them city women."

"Ah Ma," Carr returns the humor suiting up, "Maybe I'll bring back a male slave for you."

She laughs. "Yeah, get me a young strong one. With red hair."

Shaking a smiling head he quietly ties up the coverings. Watching Carr lace up the armor she's concerned with his nearing future.

Finished with her bowl she begins clearing the table, "How long do you think you'll be?"

Armor and weapons in place Carr throws his prepared backpack over the shoulder, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "I'll be back in about a week," quickly turning for the door.

"A week?" She grabs his arm, "I thought you said you were going for supplies. What are you up too?"

"Nothing." Stopped, Carr puts his hand on hers' in a reassuring manor, "I'm after a new suit of armor. You want me being safe. And this thing barely covering my ass, is aging. You know it takes time to make a new one." He gives her a hug, "Don't worry Ma. I'm not up to anything."

She hugs him back, "Well I hope not. You've had more than your share of adventure this year." Breaking the hug she escorts him to the door.

"Just supplies Ma," Carr walks away, "I'll be back before you know it."

"Use good judgment." She watches him round the farmhouse corner heading south.

Taking a small familiar path into the lightwoods Carr starts a long stroll towards the Great Swamp.

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