Chapter #33

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Doubly concerned Carr queries, "You met some male at the swamp?"

"Yes, but they weren't male." Finished with the bed she retraces the day. "I had woken that morning with a terrible headache." She grasps his hand, "I had this awful dream you were being hanged. And I was stuck in the middle of a big crowd and couldn't move or scream."

Recalling being choked a couple times over the past week Carr thankfully replies, "I'm glad that didn't actually happen."

"Anyway, I didn't have any herbs left to cure a headache. After I got dressed, I had a bowl of stew with a nice tea..."

He pretends to listen intently. Come on Ma get on with it.

"...I still had the headache. I knew I was going to have to walk down to the southern edge of the woods. You know it's the only place to find the plant."


"I put my boots on." She comments, "I should have got you to pick me up a new pair. But I'm sure we can go to Ahn and find a better pair."

Jesting in his mind. This must be why so many men really go off to fight wars.

"...I put on my shawl. Oh, I took your one of your small swords with me. Was that, okay?"

"Of course Ma." Maybe this is why some wars start. An excuse for some rulers to get away from their women.

"...I finally found my satchel." She pushes his arm gently snickering, "it was right by the front door where I left it. Isn't that funny?"

"Oh yes." There must be battle going on somewhere right now.

"...I stopped to feed the horses. I was going to take your new one, but I decided to make a day of it." She reminds him. "You know I'm having a hard time getting on and off anymore. So, I figured might as well have a little adventure of my own."

I could take the horse. Find a battle. Take a few lives. And make it back in time to hear the end of her story.

"...That big old tree came down. Must have been that storm last month that blew through." She sighs, "I use to climb that tree when I was a younger woman. But I've told you that before."

"Yes you have." Carr confirms her thought, "It was definitely that storm."

"That's too bad. It was my favorite tree." She giggles, "I actually cried when I saw it. Isn't that silly?"

"No, not at all Ma." Carr thinks hard. What was it I wanted to know? ... Oh yes. She met someone.

"...I must have looked for more then an hour for those stupid plants. Finally, I found a small patch of them." She looks at Carr, "You'll never guess what happened when I found them."

"Someone was watching you?" Silently he hopes. Please let her be to that point.

Hesitating she has to think about that, "Maybe? But that's not what I was going to say. By the time I found them, my headache was gone. Maybe I just needed a walk in the sunlight? Isn't that funny?"

"Very amusing Ma." Thinking he's getting another headache.

"I decided to collect the herbs anyway, you know for the next time," She rambles on, "After picking all the good leaves I just sat in the sun. Watching the life on the swamp. It's so nice just to sit around and enjoy the world we're given. It was so peaceful and the sun was so warm I fell asleep for a while."

Envisioning her open to attack by all kinds of things Carr interrupts, "You did? At the swamp?"

"Oh yes." She points out. "It was the best nap ever."

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