Chapter # 5

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Starting with the smaller Human, then the Hobgoblin, the centipedes go to work. First causing sleepy, twitching and grumbling.

Seeing the party moving strangely alerts the Orc sentry.

The smaller Human wakes sitting straight up, jerking at his robe.

Yelping, the second Human jumps to his feet dancing about, twisting back and forth.

The Orc sentry stands unsure of what to do or what's going on.

Almost all at once the other three get bit and yelp too. The bigger Human plucks a snaking centipede from his back tossing it in the fire.

The centipede lets out a long, high-pitched squeal trying to escape the fire. It's legs singe and break off as it hits the ground curling up into a flaming ring.

The sentry calls out in Orc, "What is it?"

"Centipedes!" The small Human yells pulling one off. He reaches for a mace only to be bit again.

Chuckling the sentry Orc says something about little bugs and no courage. Annoying his Orc comrade into tossing one at him. The tossed insect tries to take a bite of the sentry.

Now not amused the sentry joins the group in destroying the squirming critters.

Smiling ear to ear, Carr enjoys the spectacle as they stomp and flail weapons about at anything that moves including shadows and each other's feet.

Coming close to beating on each other they slow down and case the ground, eyeing up each dead body. If any twitch, it gets ground under foot.

Settling down the Hobgoblin knows the signs speaking Orc to the smaller Human beside him. "I cramp." Pointing to his legs.

Looking in a satchel the Human shakes his head speaking Orc back, "No herbs. No strength to heal all."

Carr realizes they have a healer and is glad to know that his energy is low.

The party discusses who's to be healed. The sentry being untouched says he can stay on watch. The other Orc seeming to have a greater say points to his shield arm and butt as the only bites taken. He points at the sentry and tells him to sleep. He'll be healed and take the watch.

They seem to agree with the idea.

Knowing he's not to be healed the bigger Human checks his bedroll before trying to get some more sleep. With little to say the Hobgoblin inspects his own blanket before laying back down.

Chanting the Human cleric performs lay-healing on the main Orc. His comrade keeps watch until they finish.

Halfway through the healing it becomes noticeable that the novice cleric's muscles are stiffening from the centipede's poison.

Finishing with the healing the cleric motions that he and his strength are done.

The Orc pats the healer's shoulder mumbling something to him before taking a seat on the boulder. He also motions to the prior sentry to get some sleep.

Stumbling past the Orcs, to the bedroll, the cleric pulls an herb from belted pouch. Seated and semi comfortable consumes the pain reliever.

Carr shakes his head. What a weak healer. Violetta could've healed the whole group. Oh well, just have to wait until they sleep again.

Biding time Carr glimpses the horses' sweaty coats as they glisten in the flickering firelight.

Studying each of the bulging and weighted saddlebags, he observes the last seems the heaviest. As the horse flips its' tail and adjusts position Carr catches its dark gray color.

Big City Darkened NightsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora