Chapter # 7

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Before the sun rises birds begin chirping. Still thinking at home in bed, merely dreaming of adventure, Carr tries to pull a nonexistent blanket over.

The flap of skin, on the left arm, moves sending a shock wave of pain to his brain. Immediately he sits up letting reality set in. Recalling being tripped, seeing the cleric was taken out and two others just collapsed.

The clearing itself seems bigger; the trees aren't how he recalls. Surveying the area, he sees the slain Orc laying where remembered.

Glittering gems catch Carr's attention, along with a pile between two horses. Realizing a cut open saddlebag is the source of the treasure pile he observes the other horses still carrying their loads. Easing a minor concern, he confirms Bolt is one of horses and despite all being hurt they are still there.

Wondering where the other males are Carr spots only their clothing, resting where they did. Except the Hobgoblin, Carr stands looking for the little man, noticing treasure scattered about. Basic instincts beg him to pick up the many sparkling items. He just doesn't know where to start.

Looking at where the Hobgoblin lay, Carr observes dragging marks in the soil leading into the woods.

Picking up the long-sword his throbbing arm wound hinders any progress. Wanting to tend to the wound tries to locate his pack or a wrap.

Passing where the fire was Carr glimpses something odd. Taking a couple steps back for a better look he realizes a mound of fused coins, gems and jewelry has replaced the fire.

Fascinated by it he reaches a hand out to touch it. Sensing the heat coming off it he pulls back the hand. Studying the mound, it's twice the size of his head. He guesses its weight to be about six stones.

Arm pain turns his attention back to a more required need. Sighting the Hobgoblin's drag marks he can see they lead only as far as the next tree. There the Hobgoblin's short leathers are laid out on the ground.

Checking the little man's armor, Carr finds nothing that indicates a struggle. No blood or other footprints detected Carr does spot his backpack.

Turning around to the campsite he notices that most of their footprints have been obscured. Bewildered Carr isn't sure what to think. Accept get on a horse and get out of there. He sighs in sympathy for the horse's observing they have many cuts and his dagger stuck in one.

Taking some time to fully assess the situation Carr tends to wounds. Starting with his bleeding and throbbing arm.

With the wrap from the pack Carr grimaces slapping the skin back in place. Struggling to wrap it, he comes close to cracking teeth.

When wrapped well enough Carr shakes the right arm until the throbbing subsides.

Tending to the animals Carr knows to stand to the side of the horse stuck with his dagger. Quickly pulling the blade out and turning Carr avoids being kicked. The horse jumps about while he tries to calm it.

Checking the other horses he surmises, "That mist or cloud must have done something with those other guys."

Finding and picking out the occasional gem from the animals he ponders. Why's this stuff, all over? Why's the treasure still here? Why am I here?

Inspecting the penultimate horse, he feels watched. A few birds carrying on normally comfort the rogue. I'm still here, and so is the Orc I killed, and the horses. And the treasure is all mine.

Making sure Bolt's hooves are still good to ride Carr spies a golden glint. Letting Bolt be, Carr stands to focus on a gold chain swinging, out of arms reach, in a tree. Imbedded by its long-pointed crystal pendant. Scanning other trees various objects can be seen stuck in the bark.

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