Chapter #2

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Inside the city its streets are muddy and as citizens seem to be avoiding the damp day, quiet. With a plan in mind Carr heads straight for the armorists' shop, a long wooden building near the city's barn.

Inside he finds the smithy sitting behind an L-shaped counter, polishing a metal breastplate. The heavy-set man glances at Carr's tattered Dragon scale. Pressing the door closed Carr turns to the man.

Continuing to polish away the smithy remarks, "Your armor is in a sad state. I don't think it's worth repairing. There's some finished pieces behind you."

Only leathers and a couple metal plates Carr's not interested and approaches him, "I'd like something light and durable."

Picking a piece, the armorist feels appropriate for this patron points to it with the polishing rag, "There's a nice studded leather for sixty-five gold."

Not to offend the man Carr gives it a better look, "Yeah, it is nice. I was hoping for another suit of scale."

The smithy raises a hairy brow, "Scale, eh? That's expensive. I do have the materials."

"Oh, yeah?" With peaked interest Carr digs for coin pouch, "How much and how long will it take?"

Hesitating the armorist gives him a complete once over, seeing only a young, poor unworthy scoundrel, "I've got other orders to do. Could be a month before I could start." He flips the plate over polishing the inside for no reason.

Frequently hearing such things Carr knows how to win the man over, "I can pay and make it worth your time." From the coin pouch he pulls out three large gems and places them on the counter.

Pausing the polishing the man leans forward eyeing the stones, "Well son, if you've three more like those, I could get started in the morning."

To show the man he's serious Carr sets the open coin pouch on the counter, "Keep those three in good faith. I'll pay you the rest when it's finished." He knows the price is a little steep, but the gems are stolen.

Peeking in the bag the man's eyes widen. He stands up right away, dropping the plate loudly on the floor, "Have I got something for you." Tossing the rag onto the plate he heads into a back workroom.

Seeing him duck behind a hide covered, doorway, Carr ties the pouch. Putting the pouch away he listens to the man rummage through things.

"This is pretty fresh too." The smithy comes out with a large piece of brightly colored dragon scale, "Some of the King's men killed this one."

Laying out the section of hide on the counter, the smithy displays its' green scales with black stripping, "Great pattern, they say it was bigger than a draft horse."

Carr feels the scales, "It is a nice pattern. The color is better than paint or dyes. It sounds like it was big."

"Just a maturing one. The hide is in perfect condition for forming and working with. The older they get the tougher the hide."

Not knowing a whole lot about Dragons Carr inquires, "How old is mature?"

Looking at the hides' scales the man estimates, "Best guess for this one, fifty, seventy years."

"Really? Older then me," Carr's drawn to the coloring of it, "How long would it take?"

"Seven days maybe." smiling thinks of what he can buy with the gems, "Let's get to it. I'm Zei, what do you go by?"

"Carr." He shakes hands with Zei, "I'm ready. What do you need?"

"Measurements and ideas." Kneeling the armorist retrieves a piece of dark leather hide from under the counter; along with a length of marked rope and a thin slice of soft soapstone, "Do you know how you want it to fit?"

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