Chapter #31

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Halfway to the farmhouse the animals become spooked. Panicked enough the animals try taking off wrenching Carr's arm. Not making it far entangle themselves around a cluster of tall saplings.

Frustrated with them Carr wants to leave them tied up. Bleating and squealing they keep fighting to run.

The hairs on Carr's body stand up, feeling stared at, turning scans the woods, "Cat, it better not be you." With the animals in tow, he hopes it's not wolves tracking them.

Ambling out of the trees Carr's wild farm foe. A thirty stone Grizzly bear, that's killed several of the farm animals including an Ox.

Drawing his sword glares at the big bear, "So we met again. I still have many animals to avenge."

The grizzly sniffs at them, wanting one of the entangled animals.

Boldly stepping between bear and beasts Carr readies to go toe to toe with this old foe. The grizzly stands tall on its hind legs, roaring at Carr.

Knowing to stand ground Carr yells as loud as possible. "Go! Or die!" Also realizing this bear isn't going to be killed from one blow.

Hitting the ground with its' huge forepaws the grizzly stomps about making plenty of noise.

After taking on one of Hell's Hags Carr is not going to back down, "Not this time bear." Carr kicks at the dirt like a bull ready to charge.

Not seeing many stand up to him the grizzly smells Carr's scent. Smelling the fresh Dragon scale mixed with Carr the bear tries once more to scare the young Human away. Swiftly the grizzly stands again roaring loudly. Dropping to the ground just as quick it charges.

Wishing to have a polearm or spear Carr raises the sword back. Ready to strike down hard on the bear's snout. As Carr chops down hoping to connect with head, the grizzly sharply turns right bounding into the woods.

Perplexed Carr stands there wondering why the bear turned and if he should run after it. He is thankful the grizzly isn't pounding on him right now, "That's right you just run away and hide I'll find you later."

Glancing at the still struggling animals Carr sighs. Looking back for the bear all he can see is bushes and saplings shaking, marking its' route away.

Certain all the noise made, has scared away anything else, Carr decides to just take the goats.

After fighting to untangle them Carr reassures the pigs he'll be right back. The remainder of the walk is easier only having to stop once.

Breaking free of the trees Carr calls out to the nearby farmhouse, "Hey! Ma! It's Me!" He heads directly for the barn, "Bring a lantern!"

Showing the goats, the water trough Carr sees the horses are still there and steps into the dark barn to check on them.

Ma comes out of the house looking for Carr but doesn't see him and almost mistakes the goats for the horses, "That's not the horses." She yells out, "Carr is that you?"

"Yeah Ma." Carr remembers the chickens and quickly drops the backpack. "Can you bring me a lantern?"

Glad Carr is home earlier than thought she replies, "Sure thing dear." Returning inside to fetch a lantern.

Untying the magic bag Carr can't see anything inside, so he carefully sticks a hand in. Feeling like something is gently pulling him. Braving to stick the hand in a little further feels the wood casks and canvas sacks.

Touching around he feels out the willow cage. Grabbing it pulls out the cage for inspection, noticing all the chickens are alive and calm.

Entering the corral Ma queries, "I've got you a lantern. What do you need it for?"

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