Chapter # 8

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The horsemen split into three groups, fourteen riders circle to Carr's right. Fourteen go left and coming straight at him three, unmistakable officers, who are flanked by two banner toting pages.

The two main groups draw weapons surrounding Carr and horses. They leave room for the three officers to confront Carr. Many of the men have an air of vengeance about them. The horsemen definitely note the weighted saddlebags, along with Carr's appearance and wounds.

The best suited of the officers addresses Carr. "I'm Captain Avilo, Paladin of King Halford."

Carr studies the cleanly shaved, strong, forty-year-old man. Oh great, a virtuous by the King's law, man. I'm done for. I should've run.

Avilo continues. "We're hunting five thieves. Four of your horses look like the ones they were riding. The one you're on belongs to a local barkeep."

Carr feels the need to resolve one point, "I'm Carr. Yes, this is Bolt, Elija's horse. He knows I have him."

Untrusting expressions cause Carr to nervously continue, "I don't know what happened to the men you seek. Except one, I killed him, I think. Pretty sure." He points west to the forest, "They were deep in there last night when I encountered them." Still having a problem with the next part Carr knows they will for sure. "This morning... ah, um... just their horses, clothes and gear were left, abandoned."

"Ah-hum," suspicious and following protocol the Captain gestures to the two other officers, "Dell. Junior. Check his horses."

The two men riding on either side of Captain Avilo immediately get down handing their reins to adjacent banner riders. All keep a watchful eye on Carr as they pass.

Avilo ponders aloud, "you say you encountered them last night? And this morning they were gone? Leaving their possessions behind?"

"Naked," snickers one of the riders.

Motioning to the man to be quiet, Avilo turns to Carr. "I think you should tell me more."

"Ahh, okay," glimpsing the officers inspecting the saddlebags, Carr decides to go with partial truth. "I saw their campfire in the woods and snuck up on them to see what they were up to."

Dell cuts in, "These are definitely the horses. They are heaping with the King's treasure."

"Okay." The Captain speaks in firm voice, "Relinquish your weapons to my men. We'll discuss your story on the way back to the city." Sarcastically he states with a raised brow, "I take it you were just on your way there to return the King's treasure."

Reluctantly Carr unbuckles his long-sword, "Well I did have to return Bolt." He hands Dell the sheathed blade. Easing out the daggers sighs as he hands them over.

Dell hands Carr's weapons to the pages to deal with, before remounting.

Junior quickly inspects Carr's boots before returning to his horse.

The Captain barks out orders while pointing out men, "Two riders head south find Paul's group. Tell them to round up the others and return to the castle."

Two men sheath their swords and ride off.

Avilo goes on, "Three, take to the woods. Find any evidence of his story."

Carr lets them know, "At least six leagues in, off the main path, on the north side. An Orc body and treasure."

Three men, at the back, gallop off.

Avilo points to one of the banner toting men, "Three of you get back to the river and set up camp for the night. After that one return to the castle and report in."

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