Chapter #30

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Hesitating in the shop Carr's proud of the purchase and toil taken, "Thank you so much Zei. I think this hide is going to keep mine, well protected."

Shaking Carr's hand Zei advises, "Don't go taking on any Dragons just yet."

Chuckling about its Carr nods before stepping outside. Receiving the attention, he always wanted as everyone turns to check him over. A lot of people's first reaction is it's a lizard or lobsterman.

The four hands start snickering at the bold colors and pattern. Carr turns to them, "Hey now. I don't live in the city or any town." He points north, "Out there you'll never find me."

"I don't think anybody is going to look." Teases Avilo, while climbing back onto the wagon, getting the hands to laugh

Laughing too Carr gets to the wagon, "Nice jest Captain."

"Yes." Avilo calls out, "Move on!"

Not traveling far as the small docks can be seen past the north gate.

The men working the gate salute Captain Avilo as they pass through. Carr pretends it's him they are saluting and Avilo is his page.

Surveying the old beached boats Avilo queries, "Which wreck is yours?"

Pointing to the end Carr informs him, "I've got the flat-bottomed skiff."

Knowing how vast the great swamp is Avilo points at it too, "You cross with that? It must take all day? And you're right there's no way you'd get all this stuff in there. I wouldn't even attempt half. Good enough for the animals to travel in."

Agreeing Carr reaches back for his pack, "Animals in the skiff." Pulling out the magic bag, "The supplies in the-my new bottomless bag."

Captain Avilo points out a small single mast boat, "That's the boat the King said you could have but it won't hold everything either."

"Nice boat and a sail too." Carr shakes the bag Infront of Avilo, "Stuff the stuff in here. Put the animals in the skiff and tie it to the boat."

"Yes that'll work." Avilo repeats the suggestion as a command to the hands.

Two men head down the beach to right the skiff and slide it to the water.

Carr shows the remaining men the magic bag, placing the quilts in. The bag appears to be empty tossing it to one of the hands. They all examine the bag before trying to get the many crates, sacks and small casks in.

Returning for the animals the two men take them to be loaded onto the skiff.

Carr and Avilo watch curiously as the sacks of grain and feed seem to be sucked into the bag. With each item deposited they check the bottom of the bag. The last sack makes the magic bag bulge, slightly.

One of the men wades in the water pulling the skiff over. The animals don't seem nervous Carr hopes that he won't be towing them to the opposite bank.

Encouraged the men figure the casks might fit. The casks barely fit. One man jokingly pushes on it and the small keg distorts squeezing into the bag.

Getting to the crates they do not fit. Two men begin to pull on the bags' opening trying to widen it.

"Stop!!!" Both Avilo and Carr scream out.

They stop and Avilo instructs, "Just load the crates in the docked boat."

Giving Carr back the magic bag, he's surprised that it only weighs half a stone.

Carr gets an idea asking Avilo to help, "Hold this a minute please. See what else I can get in here."

Gladly wishing to feel the weight and look inside Avilo takes it, opening the bag wide. Inside he can see the sacks and casks in a small pile. Carr places the found armor inside, followed by the weapons. Leaving his long-sword out.

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