Chapter #28

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"Hey! What are you going to do sleep here all day?" Elija shakes Carr and Cornelious awake, "Perhaps if you paid me. I'd let you." He laughs at their sad condition.

Struggling to lift his eyelids Carr squeaks out, "Where am I? Waiting for his eyes to focus, "We killed the Night hag, right?"

"Yeah," groans Cornelious stretching out his body.

"Weren't we just in your chambers?" Carr realizes where he is, "Oh, this why my head still aches."

Elija sets down two strong teas, "You two are going to need this if you're going to survive the last hour of the morning."

Thanks, they reply quietly sipping the tea.

Cleaning up the bar Elija informs them, "I think you two out drank yourselves last night."

"I must've." Carr assists out a foul belch, "I'll never try that again."

Elija chuckles, "If I only had a silver piece for every time, I've heard that."

Seeing he still has all his coins, the mage queries, "I know I summoned something last night, but did I pay you? Elija."

"Oh don't remember that either?" Elija lets him know, "You didn't have to pay for anything. Between the Dwarves' platinum and Carr's gems I made out quite well. Unfortunately I'm low on all alcohols now."

The old wizard's memory starts to come back, "I tried to summon more ale."

"Not quite," Elija snickers at the event, "Galen the Dwarf got onto wanting you to prove you could conjure another keg. After a while you gave in. But during your spell you burped and instead of a keg of ale you got a great Gale."

"Oh my." The mage observes the tavern in disarray, "I hope I didn't create a huge wind doing all this damage?"

Righting a couple chairs Elija keeps laughing, "No, a huge wind didn't blow through. You actually summoned a large local whore named Gayle." He pictures it vividly, "She did keep the Dwarves occupied. And Sandra thanks you for that one. They've been gone for hours."

The mage starts to recall and snickers, "Glad to have helped the young lady. So what happened here?"

Looking about Elija shrugs, "Here? This is the way it normally looks the day after a bunch try drinking hard."

A soldier enters the bar spotting the mage and approaches them, "Excuse me Cornelious, sir. Captain Avilo sent me here to bring you and Master Carr back."

Cornelious looks at Carr, "Oo, its' Master is it?"

"I guess." Finishing the tea Carr stands, "My supplies must be ready." He gives Elija a manly hug, "Thanks for keeping me out of trouble Elija."

"No problems son." Elija reminds Carr, "Your welcome here any time." Stepping behind the bar he retrieves the Orc's sword, handing it back. "Had to hide this. Say hello to your mother from me and the Mrs. and tell her she's welcome here anytime."

"Sure thing Elija." Carr slings the sword over his back, "It's just hard to get her here."

"Yeah I remember her stubbornness." Elija jests with the mage, "Same time next week?"

Shaking arms Cornelious wittily replies, "Nah, the day after that. Thanks Elija." Turning to the soldier, "I guess you best lead us back, in case we should get lost."

"Yes sir." The soldier escorts them back.

Headed for the main street they happen across Sandra. After some polite hellos she walks with them. Firstly, thanking Cornelious for the Dwarf distraction.

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