Chapter #11

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Escorting Carr inside the main entrance they cross a beautifully detailed marble floor. Polished to the point Carr can see his refection and others watching him on a balcony that circles the main hall.

The hall's larger than four of his barns and higher with the vaulted ceilings. The faint noise his footfalls make are lost in the echoes of louder others. The young rogue listens for remarks about him from those meandering above.

They march straight across the hall, opening engraved doors to a piece of caged paradise. The inner courtyard is a beautifully laid out and maintained garden. With winding stone paths and many sculptures perfectly mixed with the plant life. Carr is surprised to see many still flowering in the autumn.

Housing the courtyard are the exterior walls of the Castle. All the main floor windows and many of the upper widows are stain glass. Thinking what a great spot to be made to wait Carr realizes why the King's castle is half the size of his city.

Junior and the men stop in between a ring of trees and tall shrubbery. Taking a seat inside a magnificently carved marble gazebo.

Carr jokes with them, "Sorry you have to wait with me here."

"The mess would be perfect," Junior leans back, "This is better than waiting down in the dungeons."

One of the men asks Junior. "How long are we gonna be here?"

"Until they come for us," Junior shakes his head at the man and tries teasing them. "They probably want to inspect each returned item first."

Taking in the courtyard Carr pays little attention to the men.

Noticing him Junior inquires. "Are you planning your next heist?"

Carr points out an odd tree, "I've never seen some of these plants before. I'm seeing the castle from the wrong part to make plans like that."

The men look over at the tree, Junior has to ask, "You really like the plants and flowers?"

Focusing on the corporal Carr replies, "I was taught what I could do with certain plants and trees. The ones in my area anyway but I've forgotten most of it. Spending a lot of time in the forest I'm sure some of these plants must be from another continent."

Not even sure himself, Junior is curious to what useful wildlife knowledge he has, "What do you remember?"

Going on in over excessive detail, Carr numbs three of the men. Junior and two older riders actually know the plants mentioned. They were surprised to find out some the weeds goats wouldn't eat, are useful. Discussing edible plants Carr disgusts them, mentioning eating bugs recently.

Accept one patting his belly, "Talking of eating is making me hungry. I hope we get dismissed soon."

Junior states. "The Captain has to give his report to the King."

Another man jests, "Yes your majesty, I think he's a model thief returning your treasure. He didn't run and his cooking didn't kill us."

The five men laugh lightly, Junior smiles. Carr doesn't find it that amusing.

"I did request he be our campaign cook," Captain Avilo announces his presence to the men.

The group turns to see Avilo nearing the gazebo. Walking beside King Halford a hefty man of fifty-seven, with red graying hair and beard. The King isn't wearing a crown however the clothes reveal his position.

Being in an exquisitely detailed long fur trimmed robe with matching shirt and pantaloons.

Carr notices more, the rings on each finger, gold bracers and a heavy gold chain with large jeweled medallion.

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