Chapter #29

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Hoping down Avilo is confronted by an attractive female acquaintance. She easily distracts him into a friendly chat.

Surprised to see Carr run up the elderly woman smiles, "You must really need a warm blanket? The nights are getting colder."

Picking up one Carr examines the craftsmanship, "That's why I stopped."

Observing him she asks. "Oh, do you know how to sew? Are you looking for a certain color or perhaps some nice blankets?"

Pulling out a pale yellow and white quilt Carr checks it over, "Ma would like this one."

"Ah, a very sweet young man to be thinking of his mother." She whispers to him, "I like you, so I'll sell you that one for three silver."

Retrieving his coin pouch Carr lets her know, "I have no coins to give."

The old woman sours firmly stating, "No trades."

With a friendly smile and a wink Carr places a few small gems in front of her, "I do have these. I'm after more than one quilt."

She holds each on up to the sunlight, "Sure, I can accept these." She smiles brightly back, "You could take all the quilts for these."

"Well I'm only after three quilts." He spies a child nearby begging for coins. "Perhaps a dozen of your warmest blankets too."

"Sure." The woman is happy to cater to him, "You're a wonderful young man what's your name?"

"Carr." He selects two more quilts, a multi colored one with many flowers on it, the other green and white, "And what may I call you?"

"Nona," she refolds and stacks the quilts.

"Well thank you Nona." Picking up a pile of the heavy blankets Carr takes them to the cart.

Nona carries over the quilts.

Watching him Avilo comments, "You're certainly generous with someone else's fortune. What are you going to do with all those blankets?"

Carr grins slyly at Avilo. "What are you going to do with them?" A delightful scent catches his nose causing to scan for the source, "That's the best thing I've ever smelt in this city."

Quizzically Avilo looks over the boy, "Me?"

Nona points out the source of the heavenly aroma, "The bakery is making their pastries."

"Pastries?" Thinking about the last time he ate pastries Carr's stomach grumbles with hunger, "Ah, Captain. Just keep chatting with your pretty lady friend." Like under a hypnotic spell Carr walk straight for the city's bakery.

"Hey," Avilo comments, "I didn't plan on spending my day shopping with you." Smiling at the ladies Avilo takes the quilts from Nona and arranges them in the back of the wagon.

Seizing a rare opportunity, the lady continues to talk with Avilo lightly flirting with him.

Exiting the bakery Carr has a warm flakey apple pastry in his mouth. In each hand a basket full, offering random people one as he makes his way back to the wagon, "One for you too Nona."

"Oh, thank you good sir," Nona gives Carr a kiss on the cheek and takes one of the pastries.

He even treats the hands helping him. With only two left, in one of the baskets, he holds the basket out for Avilo to take, "For you and your lady friend."

"Well thank you Carr," the lady takes one encouraging Avilo to take the other, "I'm Desirae. Captain Avilo has been telling me you're the brave soul who returned the King's treasure."

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