Chapter #23

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They look over noticing Gaylord stand back and shake out his arms.

Cornelious can see the young man's head looks better, "Well old friend is the lad going to live?"

"Yes," Gaylord warns them, "we still have to wait until he wakes to see about his mind." Turning to his apprentice, "Alister, would you please, clean this man up. Fit the amulet around his neck. Might keep him from sleepwalking, badly down the stairs."

"Yes sir." Using the last of the water Alister tends to Paul as best as possible.

"You stay with him just in case. I'll be back at lunch." The crotchety cleric turns to Carr, "You are right I would never accept property or otherwise taken in force or theft." He picks up the jewelry box, "However for people whom require assistance, it doesn't matter. Your words are like the devil's tongue. I will always be careful of you."

Captain Avilo defends Carr, "A little harsh."

"It's alright Captain," Carr bows to the cleric, "You are right to feel that way Gaylord. A man of your years and position knows I'm looking out for myself first. Where you people, are here for your King and the people of your lands. I do help out my local villagers if needed."

Gaylord saves face, "I didn't say I didn't like you." Speaking to his friend, "I'll see you at dinner." Avilo only gets a, "Captain," in passing as he exits the room.

"Thank you again Gaylord." Avilo shrugs asking Cornelious, "Have I offended him at some time?"

The mage waves his hand, "Nah. He probably has a splitting head ache." Leaning in he whispers, "You heard Paul's skull crack."

Carr and Avilo get a sympathy pain, having both heard it echo in the cave and still in the mind.

"He's living it right now." Speaking to the Captain the mage adds, "And it's not personal, he treats men in command of others. You're the commander." Cornelious realizes Avilo's condition, "And look at you not even a scratch."

Carr notices it too, "Oh, yes, the ranks. The ones grunting is doing the hard work. Officers take care of the simpler things."

"Hey," Captain Avilo points out, "I killed most of those maggots. And put the Hag down."

Carr jests, "Well she was distracted beating on me with my own weapon."

The wizard wishes credit too, "Now I distracted some of those, Larvae. And I had to finish her off." Cornelious laughs, "I can't believe you were still trying to settle it with words."

Shrugging Avilo points to the picture, "It looks like there was once a normal person worth saving."

Cornellious shares a viewpoint they understand, "Evil beings are not going to change their ways to live. Most likely they'll just lie to you."

Carr suggests. "We may have done her a favor."

"Speaking of favors," the mage gets up, "let me sleep now."

Looking at Paul on the bed Carr inquires, "Where are you going to sleep?"

"Sleep on that bed?" The mage stretches out popping spine bones, "A straw mattress? Only for naps." Walking up beside the bookcase he taps three times on the side of it.

Alister, Avilo and Carr are astonished to see the bookcase easily pull away from the wall revealing a furnished, crescent shaped, bedchambers. More surprising than the wall-to-wall skins is that the place is clean and orderly.

"I sleep here." Cornelious asks their favor, "Tell no one about this room. The King himself doesn't know about it." Pointing to Alister, "Gaylord does, but if anybody comes looking for me, I'm in the city."

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