Chapter #10

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The moon rises high in the cool night sky, illuminating the seemingly peaceful group of slumbering men.

Distracted by several deer crossing the shallow stream, the night-watch sentries don't see a dark misty vapor drift into the campsite.

Heading straight to Carr the vapor hovers momentarily over before settling into his body.

In his dreaming mind Carr is walking through the woods around the farmhouse. The timid animals are scampering about.

A soft voice faintly speaks his full name.

Physically turning Carr looks about but no one is seen.

The voice calls out to him again.

"I know that voice," Grinning Carr calls out, "Sonja? Is that you?"

"You hoo, Carr."

He spots her pretty face peering out from behind a tree, "What are you doing down here?"

Her pink lips curl up into a sly grin. Waving him over she winks a blue eye.

Excited Carr hurries over to see she's not there, "Sonja." He rounds the tree, "Sonja?"

Giggling Sonja shows herself before running deeper into the woods.

Carr gives chase as she leads them around trees and through tall weeds.

Leaping past a downed tree only her yellow hair can be seen flowing away.

Carr easily clears the tree landing on his feet. Looking up she's disappeared.

Laughing loudly, he surveys the area, "Where are you?" Slowly his smile fades calling out, "Sonja?"

The sentries hear Carr mumble Sonja and begin to observe him. Glancing at each other they smile figuring he's having an erotic dream.

Becoming frustrated Carr searches the woods calling out, "Where did you get to? Sonja where are you?"

Suddenly Carr's slammed to the ground, as Sonja jumps on his back.

Planting soft kisses around his neck she whispers in his ear, "I want you to take me away from here."

"Where to?" Smiling Carr rolls over looking up into her bright blue eyes. Observing her intoxicating gaze is similar to a wild animal after prey.

She stands offering a hand to help him up.

He puts his hand in hers. Before he pushes up, she pulls him to his feet.

"I need a strong man to take me away from here." Batting her long eyelashes while lightly touching his chest, "Are you strong enough?"

"Sure, I'm strong enough." Flexing his covered muscles, "I can carry ten stones."

She grins. "Good than you can carry me."

"Sure, but..." Carr wonders what she's up to, "...ah, where are we going?"

In a flash she jumps on his back, wrapping arms around his neck. He teeters cradling her legs for support. She points the way to go, and he gladly does.

Always wanting time alone with Sonja, Carr is thrilled to go wherever, "I'm so happy you chose me."

Laughing manically her voice roughens, "I'm so happy with the words you've chosen. When I saw you sleeping, I wasn't sure what to do with you."

Confused and concerned Carr questions her. "What do you mean? What's wrong with your voice?"

Leaning in she whispers in his ear, "My name isn't Sonja. I'm Tetra."

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