Chapter # 3

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Alone at the bar Carr sips ale. A magical bag? A King's treasure. No two King's treasures. Maybe I could join up with them and get a cut. Or all.

Returning to the bar with empty mugs Sandra whispers in passing, "ambush," taking his empty bowl.

He keeps an eye on her walk away. Did I speak out loud? She's got a good idea, ambush. Which way will they go back to Kapigorn? The swamp is slow traveling and risky weighted down. South on the main roads? Two days of straight riding to get out of the territory. Ocean? Nah.

Trying to recall the ships in the harbor Carr pictures the fishermen's boats and a couple familiar trading vessels. Maybe they have a ship waiting off the southern shoreline.

Breaking free of Strum's drunken crew, Elija sees Carr thinking hard and nudges the young rogue, "Whacha' plannin' boy?"

With eyes and nose Carr points to Sandra, "Your new girl made a suggestion, an ambush. But where?"

"Oh, she did?" Elija thinks aloud, "Good idea. Not the swamp it's too slow."

"That's what I thought. Do you think they have a ship off shore?"

"If they, do it won't be there much longer." Elija is aware, "The winds are picking up. Soon the waves will be too high and rough. Ship's not in a safe port will be smashed on the shoreline. And the fishing villages don't have safe harbors."

Knowing the coastline Carr agrees, "Barely docks in some places."

Knowing Halford's whole territory Elija comes to one good conclusion, "They'll need sleep by tomorrow night. Safest place for them is the Ironwood Forest." He points a thick finger west.

Once on a dare has Carr been in there, "I know the forest. Aren't there a lot of strange and dangerous creatures in there?"

Elija teases Carr, "What's the matter not quite a man yet? Surely by your tales a creature or two isn't keep you from a fortune."

"Hey," insulted Carr responds with, "I don't see you going there."

"That forest don't scare me." Elija jokes, "The real danger for me would be when my wife finds out." Chuckling about it he informs Carr. "There's a clear path cutting through the middle. It's covered in great hiding places. If you left right now, you'd be a couple hours ahead of them. And maybe tomorrow, still have enough daylight to set traps for them."

"That is a good idea." Finishing his ale Carr gets up.

Chuckling Elija questions him, "So what are you gonna do? Walk there?"

"I guess." He thinks about acquiring a horse.

Elija makes an offer, "For some future gratitude I'll let you take Bolt. A brave fast horse."

"I'm sure I can do that." Carr shakes hands with him, "Where is this horse?"

"You're a good soul." Elija pats Carr's back, "Stop at the main stables. Find a really old Elf, Willie. Tell him I said it was okay. Besides he was telling me I need to get that horse out for a good run."

A mere chance scheme coming together Carr grins with anticipation, "Thanks Elija, I guess I should be back in three, four days."

"You're welcome." Walking him to the door, Elija requests, "At least bring the horse back."

"Will do Elija." Carr waves to him heading north to the main street. Knowing the city gates will close soon he jogs.

As Carr picks up the pace Elija contently recalls youthful pursuits. Wishing to be younger or at least single so he can go along.

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