Chapter #27

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"Too much wine boy?" Cornellious shakes Carr awake.

"Huh?" Carr looks around to see Cornelious, Gaylord are the only ones remaining seated. The servants are cleaning up and the hall is slowly emptying, "I wasn't sleeping, was I?"

"Hah," Cornelious pokes Gaylord, "You were right, he can sleep with his eyes open."

"Oh no," Carr shakes his head, "Not again, did I offend the King?"

Gaylord rolls his eyes, "You could at least move your head towards sound." Sucking back the last of the wine he sets the empty glass down, "Well I'm done."

Cornelious chuckles, "The King was ready to sleep early tonight. We thought he brought you back to tell another tale."

Gaylord shakily stands, "It's the only reason I came. Those merchants wouldn't shut the hell up."

"I thought we were going to get caught not paying attention." Cornellious stands popping bones into place, "Well Carr are you still up for a night in town?"

"Sure." Carr gets up, "The walk outside will refresh me. Gaylord, are you coming too?"

"Hell no." The cleric states, "I'm headed for bed. Unlike you and Cornelious I didn't get a nap today."

"Alright." Carr is starting to find the cleric amusing, "Thanks again Gaylord for the healing and it's been a pleasure to get to know you."

"Yeah?" Gaylord looks him over. "As adolescent annoyances go, you're quite amusing. Who did you say your healer was?"

"Violetta," Carr smiles picturing her, "she lives in Ingleside. Has red hair, and is in her late thirties."

Not sounding familiar Gaylord ponders aloud. "That must be why in the past decade I've had less and less people to heal from the Tau woodlands. I'll have to travel there and thank her."

Not quite catching the remark Carr merely replies, "Sure, she'd appreciate a visit from a fellow cleric."

"A female cleric with red hair, eh?" Cornelious grins, "I should go with you."

Poorly Gaylord teases, "What is a woman less than half your age going to want with you? Good night, Carr."

"I've got wisdom and charm." The old mage smiles back, "Good night, Gaylord."

Slightly bowing Carr simply says, "Good night."

"Don't be getting into any bar fights," Gaylord walks away, "Cornelious."

"Ah," the mage dismissively waves the cleric away, turning to Carr, "To the Inn for an entertaining drink."

"Surely," Carr agrees with a big smile.

An unlikely pair Carr and Cornelious attract the attention of Halford's men, as they make their way across the city to the Inn.

Back in the Slaughtered Lamb, the pair surveys the patrons. The Dwarves are getting ready for another long night. A group of off duty guards seems to be the loudest group. Near the fireplace two tables are occupied by farm hands still dirty from the day. A varied group of several males line the bar.

The old mage directs Carr to a back corner table for a protected perspective.

Greeting them Sandra escorts them to the table, "Good evening gentlemen can I get you anything?"

Sitting Cornelious grins at the pleasant sight, "Since you're too young for me, how about an ale for now."

"Hello Sandra," Carr pulls out a chair, "I think I'll need a mead to help clear my head of the wine first."

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