Chapter #14

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As the food slowly disappears, Halford sits back and lets out a rumbling belch. He directs the servants to start removing things while others pour up crystal glasses with a local peach wine.

Downing the first glass like water Halford pulls Carr's coin pouch out, "I don't like the wine but this peach stuff is something. Like a dessert for men." He holds up the bag for all to see, "And after dinner is always a great time for a tale." He tosses the pouch to Carr.

Catching the pouch, Carr wonders what to say as all eyes linger upon him, "These gems aren't part of your treasure, sir."

Halford smiles and leans back getting comfortable, "We're fairly sure of that. There is speculation to where they came from and how you got them."

Oh crap, they are not going to like knowing where they came from. Nervously Carr queries, "are you sure your Majesty? I wouldn't want to offend anyone here. For something I did foolishly."

Casually Halford states, "If it's Monsteil. I've got no friends there." Giving Carr a knowing wink.

Captain Avilo turns to Carr, "The week before you arrived here, a few of Montiel's arrogant men came through. They were looking for a lone thief dressed in black scale-mail. They say he killed twelve men and stole King Darvel's whole tax collection."

"Oh." Realizing the King just wants to hear the other side of the Monsteil account Carr starts with why he set out to retrieve two rings. He humors them with the stormy night and stinky Ogre. Carr leaves meeting Kyrston out of the story, saying the crossing was peaceful. He sees the dinner party enjoying the tale, so he goes in to detail on the job. The strange woman in the Inn became younger and more beautiful.

Describing the skilled shot out the window Dell interrupts the young rogue's tale, "Impossible, you can't fire a bow like that."

Annoyed at Dell for cutting in, King Halford straightens him out, "It can be done. It's easier when you're small and agile. Go on Carr."

Describing how he positioned himself for Dell's satisfaction Carr fully replays the event. Exciting a few of the men with the hit. That makes the room laugh telling them he fell out the window.

Deciding to keep the caper simpler Carr tells them about knocking out one more guard. Everything he stole was found in a chest in the Lord's bedchamber.

King Halford comments, "I wonder how much King Darvel would pay to find out his most trusted man is stealing from him." He also points out, "There's no way you could steal what they said was taken. Need two horses for sure. Guess that's why you'd like one of those bottomless bags, hmm? Anyway, tell us how you got away."

Carr informs the King he slept across the street in the Inn until first light. They were in awe that the young thief hung around and so close.

Telling them he barely made it to his horse when the guards came. Just managing to get him and the horse though the gates, before the men could close them. While evading hundreds of arrows before they make it into the mountains.

Almost acting out the fight in the mountainside, Carr keeps the hall entertained. Leaving out Kryston again Carr says he walked to Ingleside and collapsed outside of Violetta's. Ending the tale, with hiding out in the Tau forest ever since.

The majority of the hall seems to have enjoyed the after-dinner story. Of course, a few glasses of wine help.

Speaking to Carr, Halford gives a compliment, "Not only did you provide us an amusing tale. We'll probably attempt to pick a lock before retiring." Speaking to the entire hall, "You see again, where a story becomes twisted to suit another's need."

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