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The next day, they all went about their now daily morning routine. Sanji made them delicious breakfast as per usual. They all sat together at the dinning table just enjoying each other's company.

"So what do you guys plan on doing next? Are you gonna join us on our voyage to the one piece or are you gonna go on your own journey?" Nami asked the couple.

Zoro just shrugged and continued eating. "We don't know yet? Well I don't know yet. We haven't really discussed it yet. So I can't really give you the answer you're looking for right now." Misokazuki respond as she put a peace of toast in her mouth.

"Well until you know, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like!" Luffy basically shouted all enthusiastic like.

This caused everyone to nod and let out a chuckle. Everyone happily resumed their breakfast chattering along. The atmosphere was warm and filled with sweet tender love for each other, be it platonically or romantically in some cases.

(Watch me struggle for plot sb)

The two were on the deck doing some sparing with each other to keep fit. "What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. Whatever you want to do. I don't care as long as I'm with you." He replied cooly as he struck his wooden sword which she blocked with hers.

"Why aren't you like a little lovesick puppy." She chuckled before making a fake left only to strike right.

He chuckled managing to block her misdirection. "Well why would I care what we do? If I have you by my side anything is doable."

"Let's stick with the gang for a couple of months and then set out on our own adventure?"

"Sounds like a plan." He smiled and placed a tender kiss on her forehead before jabbing her with the wooden stick.

"Hey that's cheating!" She whined and he laughed.


The wind blew through her dark blue hair as she was overcast by the setting sun. The view which she adored. They had finally decided to leave to go on their own journey and this was their last night together with the straw hat pirates.

She was looking out at the sea inhaling the air and the smell of salt water and fish. It didn't smell the most appealing but it was something she had come to love along with the view. The memories connected to it, the feelings.

"There you are, dinner is ready and everyone is waiting for you." Zoro spoke softly as he engulfed her in a tender back hug. "Mm I was just enjoying the view."

"We have plenty of time for that later. Now come on darling." She nodded and let go of the railing. The two interlocked their hands together and walked below the deck, to enjoy their final meal together for now.

The night started off with fun festivities and a delicious meal cooked by none other then Sanji. The spirit was high, so was the booze. Everyone had fun, until the moment of departure arrived.

"I'll miss you both so much." Nami spoke as she held in her tears, not wanting to cry sending them off. They hugged. "Don't worry, I'll write and we'll come and visit when we can."

She smiled at that. "Enjoy discovering the world and seeing everything it has to offer." "We will, best of luck on finding the one peace and making all your dreams come true." Misokazuki stated as they all came together for a group hug, some shed tears while others acted tough and said some dust got into their eyes. But everyone knew they were crying.

"Time to set out." They held hands as they stood at the edge of the boat. "Till next time captain." Zoro spoke as Luffy smiled and waved them off. "Goodluck and come visit soon." The pair walked off of the boat and started their own journey together.

The end

I've been so busy with school y'all, there will be a bonus chapter don't worry. It will be longer and better written. I've been thinking so hard how to properly finish this, and the only thing I could seem to write was this rather vague ending. But you'll know what they've done and accomplished in the bonus chapter(s) thank you for joining me on this rocky ride. I hope you enjoyed this fic and I'm sorry for my later chapters to have flunked in quality. It's been hard for me haha. Till next time mateys.

Triple blades [Roronoa zoro]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora