It's Like A Streetlight That Lights Up A Dark Path

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¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ Part 1 ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

Seated on top of his brand new bed spread, Felix sat idly by with his legs tightly crossed against his body, his tiny toes nestling under his knees for warmth.

A small, yet cozy blanket was lightly draped across his shoulders, offering a protective embrace as he nervously nibbled at the delicate skin around his nails.

His gaze was fixated on the worn-out laptop resting before him and he silently began to debate with himself if it was even worth the time and effort to try and turn the old device on.

He was well aware that his laptop was on its last legs. It was evident just by looking at the outdated thing, considering it operated with only half a functioning mouse pad and a multitude of broken keys, most of which had fallen off and completely gone missing.

He still had a sneaking suspicion that the "Q" key was still stuck in his old high school, where it had broken off during a presentation and ended up getting wedged in between his 11th grade Chemistry teacher Mr. Ross' desk and the wall... At least he knew it was safe somewhere, not that he'd be getting it back anytime soon.

With a small sigh, he finally accepted that yes, he'd have to try and rouse the computer from its slumbered state. It was inevitably really, pretty much essential if he truly planned to get anything done that day.

He extended one finger towards the keyboard, allowing his index to glide across the dusty ol' keys until it landed on the power button. Pressing it gently, he was relived to see that the device decided to cooperate today, practically roaring to life beneath his fingertips.

The cooling fans immediately produced an unpleasant screeching noise, similar to a grumble of annoyance as the computer struggled to awaken from its dormant state.

It was obvious that he desperately needed a new laptop. His current one was clearly clinging to its pathetic life by a mere thread. Overall the device performed quite poorly, considering he was now being forced to sit back and watch as the screen flickered between the normal welcome page and one that had a salt-and-pepper looking pattern.

It was a 50/50 shot of which screen would ultimately prevail in the end. He silently prayed that it would be the welcome screen.

Even in the past, his computer had never completely let him down. He hoped today wouldn't be the day it ended up betraying him. He just needed it to cooperate smoothly, just this once, without any issues.

Hopefully, it would be able to retire soon enough anyways- well, that was his wish, at least.

Despite its age and 'issues', he had felt compelled to continue using it. He felt drawn to the ancient technology, having relied on it faithfully throughout his high school years.

It was a strange attachment he held for the device, which is why he felt determined to use it until its very last, dying breath- or, until it exploded, whichever came first at this point.

If it wasn't for its relatively slow performance or frequent crashes, he wouldn't have even entertained the idea of buying a new one. Besides, it's not like he had the funds to just walk out and get one anyways.

There was quite a heavy price tag associated with buying a new electronic device, which was rather daunting in of itself for the poor 17 year old boy, considering, at the moment, he only had a small sum of money left in his bank account.

Which is why he desperately needed this damn laptop to just work-

Truthfully, all he had left was the remaining petty cash from his last paycheck, a small sum earned while working at a cafe in his hometown not that long ago.

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