Cause We Don't Give A -

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"Alright, well. I've had enough socializing for the day," Seungmin grumbled, before he abruptly pushed Jeongin off of his lap without so much as a warning.

"Seungmin!" Jeongin hissed, landing with a loud 'thud' onto the hardwood floor. "First of all, OW! That hurt, you jerk!" he exclaimed, rubbing his newly sore bottom as he glared up at the alpha.

Seungmin simply shrugged, a nonchalant expression on his face as he showed no remorse for his actions. Stretching out his stiff legs, he claimed the newly opened space on the plush couch, making Jeongin scoff.

Stupid alpha, taunting me as he stayed on the comfy couch. He could have just told me to get up, and I would have. That fall really hurt my ass!

There isn't even any cushion down here to help break my fall! I told Hyunjin we needed a rug for the living room floor, but nooooo. The stupid, bougie alpha had objected to it, saying some shit along the lines of 'it would ruin the feng shui of the room'....

Even if it had spoiled the decor, it would have at least softened my fall, and my rear wouldn't be bruised right now!

So in short, that means my sore behind is technically Hyunjin's fault.

Jeongin stayed seated on the ground for almost a full minute, softly growling. He knew that Seungmin was deliberately ignoring him, refusing to make eye contact despite hearing the beta.

Undeterred, Jeongin pressed on with his second point. "Secondly, we are your mates! How can you claim this has been 'enough socializing'?"

"Stop complaining. I fulfilled my mate duties and cuddled you for the last three hours. Now I'm tired and have decided I'm ready to get away from you people," the alpha retorted, his tone rather dismissive.

Jeongin gasped, appearing highly offended. "Why you little...."

He was about to retaliate when Changbin chimed in.

"For once, I agree with Seungmin," the alpha chuckled, leaning forward to offer his hand to the fuming beta. "He simply means it's time for everyone to call it a night," he explained, attempting to diffuse some of the tension.

Jeongin begrudgingly accepted the alpha's extended hand, slowly rising to his feet and taking a moment to straighten his clothes with an exasperated huff. "Fine," he declared, his tone laden with frustration, before making his way towards the hallway.

As he passed by Seungmin, a mischievous glint sparked in Jeongin's eyes, and he decided to exact his revenge.

With a swift motion, he flicked the alpha behind the ear, a sly smirk playing on his lips, before darting down the hallway at lightning speed.

Seungmin, completely caught off guard, emitted a low and menacing growl before swiftly giving chase.

The commotion echoed through the house as the muffled sounds of Jeongin's screams filled the air; followed suit by the sound of a door slamming, signifying the betas unsuccessful attempt at escaping.

"Well, Jeongin won't be able to walk tomorrow," Hyunjin snickered, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he stood up, stretching his own lanky arms. His laughter abruptly turned into a gasp when he felt a hand suddenly gripping his own backside. "Hey!"

"I say we follow their lead," Changbin smirked, swiftly retracting his hand when he noticed the red-haired alpha about to swat him away, a playful glimmer dancing in his eyes as he glanced at the others mischievously.

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