Again, I Dream Of Heading To The Top With You

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"Felix!" Seungmin yelled out in surprise, his voice echoing throughout the room as he caught sight of the younger collapsing onto the ground.

He abruptly stood up, his chair scraping loudly against the hardwood floor as he tossed his book down onto the kitchen table with a resounding thud.

The pages fluttered chaotically in the air, losing the alpha's place and settling itself onto a random chapter.

But Seungmin didn't care about it in that very moment; he was far too busy dashing around the countertop to even give it a second thought.

The alpha's eyes widened in alarm as he discovered Felix sprawled out on the frigid kitchen floor.

The omega's hands were tightly clenched and pressed against his temples, his knuckles turning white from the intense pressure he was applying.

His face was scrunched up in what could only be described as a look of pain; beads of sweat were gathering on his forehead, and his usually bright eyes were tightly squeezed shut.

He desperately tried to focus on nothing else besides breathing; trying to just get through the pure agony he was feeling in that very moment.

"What the fuck is going on," the alpha muttered under his breath, his brows furrowed together as he tried to make sense of the confusing situation.

It took a minute before the younger could respond; his head felt like it was on fire, practically seconds away from exploding right inside of his skull.

It definitely made it rather difficult in the moment to try and formulate words.

Thankfully, within a minute or two, the pressure gradually began to ease, enabling him to slowly start lower his hands.

"I-I'm okay," he managed to stammer out, drawing in a sharp breath. "I just felt dizzy... I didn't expect it to happen so soon," he mumbled, whispering the last part more to himself.

I really didn't think the symptoms would hit me back to back like that... Last time they were spaced out a bit more, giving me at least a short break in between.

Seungmin let out a heavy sigh of relief, feeling the tension in his shoulders ease as he became somewhat reassured that it wasn't anything too serious.

Thank god he's not dying or something, because I do not know CPR...

He watched as the weak omega tried, and failed, to get up off the floor by himself, moaning and groaning in discomfort as he pathetically struggled on his own.

"Stop, you look ridiculous right now," Seungmin grumbled in annoyance. "Just sit still," he huffed, pushing the sleeves up of his sweater as he reluctantly decided to assist the younger up and off the floor.

He chose to do this the easiest way, opting to scoop the younger up by his underarms and just yank him up and onto his feet.

It probably wasn't the most ideal method, considering Felix ended up staggering a bit from such an abrupt movement.

The omega felt lightheaded again as another dizzy spell washed over him, but thankfully the alpha helped keep him steady.

Seungmin surprisingly held him gently by the hips, supporting the omega until he managed to regain his balance.

"I'll be okay... Thank you," Felix mumbled, reaching his hands out to get a grip on the counter top for a bit more support.

However, when his injured palm came into contact with the surface, he let out a painful hiss.

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