We Ain't Stopping Now

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This book is almost at 1k likes... makes my heart so happy to have such great people reading along.
Also thank you so much for over 120+ comments on the last chapter, it egged me on to write this longgg chapter and give it to you today.
If we can reach more than that, I'll give you another chapter on Monday.😂 maybe another on Tuesday too 😏
Enjoy ❤️
I rushed a bit at the end, only cause I'm tired and have to work in 5 hours... sorry bout that 😭


*Time reverse, this starts back from when Changbin is dropping Felix off at the University*

"Remember to text me what time you guys are out tonight, Lix. And do not leave the building until I get here," Changbin reminded the younger firmly, his expression unimpressed as he watched the omega roll his eyes.

You little-

"Yeah yeah," Felix playfully huffed, waving his hand in the air as if he was brushing off the alpha's concerns, silently telling him that he worries way too much.

Changbin just softly glared at the younger as he shut the car door, observing the omega closely as he made his way up to the University.

You're getting very comfortable with us, you cute little gremlin.

Changbin remained stationed in the parking lot, watching his beautiful omega walk away. His eyes may or may not have traveled down towards the omegas hips, watching as they temptingly swayed back and forth; and his eyes may or may not have found themselves landing on his perfectly round ass, watching it bounce all around until the younger inevitably disappeared behind the school's main doors.

Fucking crisis... His body is going to be the death of me one day.

Once he was fully out of eyesight, the alpha was able to snap out of his trance. He leaned his head back against the leather seats, groaning lowly as he ran his hands down his face, a soft smiling gracing his lips.

He asked me questions about the others... He's finally showing more interested in learning about them.

He was feeling quite pleased that Felix was showing any type of interest in the others; even if it was just asking about their status and names.

His giddy thoughts were interupted by the sound of his phone ringing, and when he took it out, he was pleasantly surprised to see it was Jeongin.

The beta had mentioned not feeling well that morning, which is why he decided to stay out of school. Perhaps he needed Changbin to pick something up for him?

"Hi love," he greeted pleasantly, his smile dropping as he heard the sound of soft sniffled flooding in from the opposite end of the phone. "Jeongin? What's wrong?"

"Could you.. could you come home?" The beta whispered, clearing his throat to try and get his voice to stop cracking.

"Is everything okay?" Changbin asked, already turning the keys in the ignition.

"Yeah..." Jeongin said, sighing heavily. "I just need you."

"I'm on my way right now," The alpha said firmly, throwing on his seatbelt before reversing the car out of its parking spot and taking the quickest route back to his house.

Once he pulled into the driveway he barely waited until the car stopped moving before throwing the car into park, scurrying out of the car and marching his way up the stairs and into the house.

He made quick work in kicking off his shoes, searching for Jeongin. He didn't have to look too long, finding the beta sitting alone in the living room, Chan's blanket draped across his shoulders as tears fell down his cheeks.

Love Without Limits: OT8 Stray Kids OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now