Just Relax and Show All Your Colours

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"Mayday, Mayday, my brain is shutting down," Jisung wailed, hanging upside down in his chair with his feet flailing over the edge as he frantically rubbed his 'burning' brain, completely tousling his hair in all different directions in the process.

"Ha, what brain," Changbin instantly fired back, eliciting an all too adorable giggle from Felix, who was cozied up on the couch behind the alpha, engrossed in his laptop and scrolling through their social media platforms.

Changbin couldn't help but grin, pleased with Felix's reaction, and continued to tease Jisung. "Last time I checked, it was more like a chubby hamster who was forcefully attempting to run on a broken hamster wheel up in there."

Jisung used his hands to spin his chair around, remaining upside down as he shot the alpha a mocking glare. "YAH! At least my brain hamster tries to run! Yours is probably just sitting in a hammock sipping a tiny coconut drink or something."

Changbin scoffed, ready to clap back once again. "Oh please, I'm pretty sure your hamster fell off his wheel a few laps ago."

Everything suddenly stopped as Felix released one of the most heartwarming laughs that 3RACHA had ever heard, instantly captured their attention. The sound of his laughter was utterly adorable, especially the way the younger's right eye automatically did a little squint, and the way he raised his tiny hand in front of his mouth to try and contain his infectious giggles, which started off high-pitched and gradually transitioned into a lower tone as he continued to laugh.

It was like music to their ears.

"You guys are so dramatic," Chan mumbled, trying to hide the smile that threatened to expose itself. He was able to keep it at bay by distracting himself as he pushed Jisung off his chair, forcing the beta to sit up properly in his chair.

He quickly pecked the betas puffy cheeks, pointing to the pen and paper that sat untouched in front of Jisung, "work," Chan commanded.

Maybe there truly is a small hamster operating his little mind, it would explain a lot of things. Maybe some caffeine is all that's needed to jumpstart it or something, Chan pondered.

Digging into his back pocket, Chan retrieved his wallet to look for his debit card. "Lix, can you please go down to the ground floor and grab us some coffees?"

"Of course," Felix said with a smile, pushing the laptop to the side as he started to stretch his sore muscles. It was an adorable sight to see, he resembled that of a sleepy cat trying to come to life, and Changbin couldn't resist snapping a picture to send to his mates group chat.

Group Chat:



Changbin: Behold, Felix,
the sleepy kitten.
                        [1 Photo Attachment]
                         Thank me later.

Seungmin: Don't you think
he'd find it a bit creepy that you,
who's technically like his boss,
are sending a photo of him to a
group chat full of people he
doesn't know?

Minho: Seungmin, shut your
mouth right now. You literally
just saved his picture.

Minho: I have decided that he
will become my 4th cat.

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