Hide Tide In The Moonlight

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Felix's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth hanging open in shock as panic shot through him.

It was his mother.

Felix's hands trembled visibly as he tightly clenched onto his cell phone, his mother's stern voice cutting through him like a razor blade.

Panic was welling up inside him; he wasn't prepared to have this conversation. What could he even say?

"H-hi.. mom.." he mumbled, cursing at himself mentally for stuttering.

He was just hopeful his mother hadn't heard it, not wanting to reveal how truly anxious he was feeling about just simply talking to her.

"I'LL ASK YOU AGAIN, WHY. HAVEN'T. YOU. BEEN. ANSWERING. MY. CALLS. LEE. YONGBOK." His mother's voice sent a chill down his spine.

He turned around so his back was towards the three guys. He didn't want a full audience starring at him, especially when he didn't know how the conversation was exactly going to go.

"I...I've just... been busy," Felix stammered, attempting to give himself a moment to consider an explanation. "I'm sorry.. I know I should have called you back sooner, but the time difference made it difficult..."

"Too busy? To answer your own mother?" Her tone was laced with dissapointment and hurt, causing Felix's chest to tighten with guilt. "The time difference was never a problem before. So tell me, what's really going on, Felix?"

Felix could feel his heart rate accelerating as he struggled to find the right words. His mother's voice was usually always so warm and comforting, but at this very moment, it felt like ice in his ears.

A lump formed in his throat, and he struggled to steady his breath. Feeling the weight of eyes watching him, he couldn't help but glance back at his potential mates, who were still standing there with concern in their eyes.

They were silently encouraging him, letting him know he wasn't completely alone. It definitely helped provide him a bit of reassurance, knowing they were there if needed.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to completely steady his voice before continuing. Thankfully, his mother was always patient with him, which allowed him these few extra seconds to answer.

"I've been buried in school and work," he fibbed, pushing himself to sound more confident before continuing. "I promise I'll make it up to you, I've just... I've had a lot on my plate recently."

The line was silent for a moment, and Felix's heart practically pounded in his ears as he waited for his mother's response. He hoped she wouldn't push further; hopeful that she wouldn't ask too many questions and would be satisfied with his promise to make it up to her.

After what felt like an eternity, he heard his mother sighing on the other end of the phone. "I guess I can't be too upset with you then.. Your studies and work are definitely important. I just, want to make sure you're taking care of yourself, okay? I worry about you being so far away."

Relief flooded through Felix, and he let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "I will, mom. I promise. And I promise I'll call you more often from now on, okay?"

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