Feel The Adrenaline, Acceleration

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The car ride to the University was pretty quiet, the only sounds being heard was the gently hum of the engine accompanied by the soft melody of Changbin's voice as he hummed along to the radio.

It was soothing to say the least, but the silence made it impossible for Felix not to completely sink to the bottom of his deepest, darkest thoughts.

He sat in the passenger seat, his legs drawn up to his chest, with his arms loosely crossed over his knees. Balancing his tired head on top of his arms, he gazed silently at the passing world that lived just outside the car window.

It was a surprisingly beautiful day out; wasn't too hot or cold, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, creating a rather peaceful and calm atmosphere outside. The gentle vibration of the car seemed to lull the world into a serene rhythm.

However, inside the car, Felix's thoughts were anything but tranquil. Why did he feel like a complete wreck on the inside?


Felix found himself unable to shake Minho from his mind. Ever since their very first encounter, he had felt an intense gravitational attraction towards the alpha, like a magnetic force had been pulling them together all this time. 

That connection they had was definitely stirring something deep within him, especially since he viewed Minho as his protector after all. 

I mean, he was the first to ever rescue him from a stranger that morning, even if they themselves had just been strangers at the time. He proved time and time again that he would always be there to care for the omega, like when Felix hurt his ankle during dance practice and had carried him to the hospital, just to stay by his side and waste away his entire night. 

Or even when the alpha had even prepared for Felix presenting as an omega, going out of his way to find off the market products to try and make the omega's first heat somewhat bearable

Sure, Minho could be confusing and aggressive at times, but he was the one who truly seemed to care the most about his well being.

What made things worse was that he couldn't get the memories of Minho's kiss out of his mind, the sensation had practically left an imprint on his lips, a constant reminder of his pure craving for more.

Truthfully, if it not been for the intrusive blaring of his phone alarm while they were in the studio, he likely would have continued their make-out session. He had even wanted to go further with the alpha, craved it even.

He had been fully ready to surrender himself to the alpha; his heart, his soul, his body...

But, he already begun giving himself to Jisung, at least a part of him. His relationship with the beta was just as close, if not closer, than his relationship with Minho. 

Memories of their intimate moments together began to fill his thoughts now. He had absolutely loved the kisses they shared that morning, and had definitely enjoyed the sexual encounter they had the night before....

It was undeniable that he had a strong connection to Jisung too; I mean, the beta was his birthday twin after all, his sunshine twin.

Jisung had been the first person to warmly embrace Felix into the music industry, doing so with wide open arms. He was the first person Felix felt deeply connected to since moving to Korea, and has provided continual affection to the omega since, which helped alleviate some of his homesickness.

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