You Don't Need To Hold Back, It's Our Drive

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"Stop calling me a brat!"

"Then stop acting like one! Even Jisung and Chan think you're being a brat!"

Minho's words had echoed throughout Felix's head all day, playing on a continual loop like a broken record player.

Do they all genuinely think that I'm just being a brat?  Do they not realize how all of this is making me feel? I'm different. A lonely, unpronounced, freak. Nobody can understand what I'm going through.

He released a shaky breath, making an effort to hold himself together, an attempt at maintaining his professional composure.

He refused to let it bother him too much, at least not in that particular moment. He simply just pushed his emotions aside, considering work wasn't the most appropriate setting to start crying again.

All he truly wanted to do was go home, slip in his cozy pink pajamas, and just mope around in bed while eating something chocolatey.

Chocolate was good for any type of heart ache.

His cozy daydreams would simply have to wait until later; right now he just needed to suffer inside the freezing cold JYP building while he buried himself in his work, hoping that the morning would at least pass by quickly and painlessly.

I wish I could cuddle up with Channie in the warm studio... He usually always keeps me warm.

He hadn't seen or spoke to Jisung or Chan since the morning, when he had to present them with their schedules for the day. He hadn't tried to talk to them, and they made no attempt at approaching him either.

Felix wasn't sure if he should feel relieved or upset about it.

Maybe setting some more professional boundaries between us is a good thing... It'll help me avoid getting emotionally involved... More than I already am-

I mean, I am just their assistant after all... Perhaps I've been delusional to think I could've been anything more..

However, on the bright side of all this, the silence was a good opportunity to catch up and work on responding to some of 3RACHA's Instagram DM's. He had been shocked to find the inbox completely full, so he had tried his best to reply to a few die hard fans.

He even had time to clip together a short promo for the group, quickly posting it onto their official account. He was amazed at the rapid attention the post gained, with people commenting and sharing within seconds; it even earned a few thousand likes in just minutes.

Wow, they really are popular, they have millions of fans... I mean, I guess that doesn't come as much of a surprise, considering Changbin's sharp raps and Han's godly vocals, especially paired with Chan's songwriting and producing skills...

The sound of his phone alarm suddenly interrupted his thoughts, reminding him of their upcoming scheduled meeting with JYP. He hastily silenced the ringer, sighing loudly as he closed his laptop. Time to endure a boring meeting.

Stretching out his aching limbs, he felt quite stiff, especially in his lower back. A hiss escaped his lips as he winced a bit in pain, feeling an electric shock travel up from his lumbar spine to the base of his neck, causing him to develop goosebumps as well.

He had been curled up in the same spot for the past 3 hours, finding it to be the most comfortable and it provided the most warmth for his tiny body. He knew if he kept hunching over his laptop like that though, he would most definitely develop some back problems.

Neatly gathering all of his belongings, he headed next door, back into the studio, and dropped everything off on the table by the door. Surprisingly, the couch was empty, and Chan wasn't seated in his normal seat; usually glued directly in front of the sound booth by the control panel.

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