Ride On The HighWay To Heaven

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"Lee Yongbok?" A strikingly beautiful and tall woman called out into the semi-empty lobby. Felix was so incredibly nervous and jittery that he failed to even notice when the lady referred to him by his Korean name. His heart practically skipped a beat as he awkwardly raised his hand and stood up, making his way over to her.

The lady gave him a kind and warm smile, which was enough to help ease his nerves, but only to a small extent. "Oh, hello there. Please follow me this way. 3RACHA is ready for your interview." she said, quickly jotting down something on her clipboard as she began to led Felix down a long and brightly lit hallway.

They strolled past a few opened doors; some were left open wide enough for him to catch a glimpse of the inside. However, it was only a quick glimpse, as he found himself having to almost jog next to the lady, considering her strides were significantly longer than his.

Felix has always been on the 'smaller side'. He was always relatively shorter and more petite than the rest of his classmates. He had completely stopped growing in middle school, while everyone else continued to grow around him. He reached his peak height at 5'5". Being 'short' has always created problems for the boy, but he's learned to cope.

As they walked together down the hall, the woman noticed how the younger seemed to struggle to keep up with her. She found it to be rather adorable, letting a small chuckle escape her lips. She tried to subtly slow down her strides to match his pace, and Felix silently thanked her for it with a smile.

He's so cute.

Now that he wasn't so focused on jogging, Felix had the chance to actually look around the building. It was amazing! Amongst the various doors one seemed to catch his eye in particular; it was a heavy looking wooden door that said "3RACHA" on it with a metal plaque.

Felix felt his heartbeat increase, rapidly pounding in his chest. Everything up to this point has seemed like a dream, one that he would eventually wake up from. But being physically inside the building, currently walking to the interview, and seeing the band name he may work for plastered on a door... Well, it made everything feel surreal, and that was purely terrifying.

But, to Felix surprise, they didn't seem to be heading for that room. Instead, they walked all the way to the end of the hallway, walking up to a door that was labeled as "Conference Room C."

A queasy feeling bubbled inside of his stomach. He silently thanked whatever higher power there was for the smart decision on eating a light breakfast today. This was about to be his first interview since leaving the coffee shop in Australia, meaning he couldn't just throw it all away because he had a weak stomach.

He hadn't even expected JYP to respond to his application, much less the phone call he got from their HR department asking if he'd like an interview. He had just about broken his phone when he received the initial call.

~ Flashback: ~

"Mom, I'm doing fine, really. I just started attending class at the University, and I, uh, I have a lot of interviews lined up. I just want to pick the best one, you know?" Felix was lying straight through his teeth. He hadn't received a single invite for a job interview, but his mother didn't need to worry about that.

"Alright, as long as you're doing okay... I promise I won't be so overbearing when you finally present." His mother replied, eliciting a groan from Felix. She had really taken his promise of talking every night literally, and the conversation always ended up revolving around the topic of presenting. "What, it's true! Your birthday is coming up, do you plan to come home to Australia?"

"I, uh, I don't really k-know-" Felix stumbled, because in all honesty, he didn't know what to say.

If he wanted to, he most likely could take like a week or so off from school and go back home to Australia. He didn't think he'd need any more time than that, considering it hadn't taken his sisters more than 3 days to present after their birthday's...

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