A Special Connection Just Between The Two of Us

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The sound of his alarm clock piercing through the cold and rainy Monday morning air stirred Felix from his sleep. He tiredly stretched his limbs, reaching over to turn off the alarm clock, only to quickly retract his arm as the cold air nipped at his exposed skin.

Felix had never been fond of the cold; he much preferred to be engulfed in warmth 24/7. Back home in Australia, you would find Felix frequently nestled up next to one of his alpha sisters. He always found comfort in their warm embrace, and they were always more than willing to shield him from the chill of many cold nights.

Alphas were after all built much like a furnaces, always emanating heat.

But now he was all alone in Korea, so all he could do was pull the comforter around him a bit tighter, allowing himself just a few extra seconds of coziness as he lazed around in his bed, slowly coming to life.

A smile spread across his lips as he realized it was his first official day working at JYP Entertainment. He happily hummed a soft tune while scrubbing himself clean in the shower, not letting the bleak weather outside dampen his rather cheerful mood.

As Felix rummaged through his closet in search of the perfect outfit for his first day he felt a wave of panic washing over him. He wanted to make a good first impression, but he had no clue what personal assistants even wear. He resorted to Google for guidance, regretting it almost immediately as a flood of articles began to overwhelm his web page.  

Most of the articles he stumbled upon were either irrelevant or extremely unhelpful, often pertaining to female omegas in an office building setting. Others were just unfitting of his particular dilemma, like the very last article he scrolled upon which was titled "how to dress to seduce your alpha boss".

Hovering over the screen, Felix was tempted to click on the article out of pure curiosity, but decided it wasn't the right time to read such a thing. With a sigh, he turned off his phone and chose to just trust his instincts, opting for something cozy yet professional.

He decided upon a light blue fitted turtleneck which he tucked into a pair of nice fitting black slacks. He paired it with a black and silver belt, which helped accentuate his small waist perfectly. Content with his outfit, he moved on to his makeup and accessories.

Preferring a more natural look, he applied only a thin layer of foundation across his cheeks, just enough to conceal his freckles. He had learned that freckles were not considered part of the Korean beauty standard, and he had become self-conscious about them and chose to conceal them in most situations.

He brushed out his fluffy blonde hair and left it down, completing his look with a set of silver stud earrings. After giving himself a once-over in the mirror, he decided to apply a layer of gloss to his lips, only to enhance their naturally pink color. Finally content with his appearance, he grabbed his white puffy jacket and black strapped bag before venturing out of his apartment into the bustling streets of Korea.

It was much busier than Felix had anticipated. A chilly breeze nipped at his nose, causing him to snugly wrap his jacket around his petite frame as he continued his journey down the street. The JYP building was conveniently just a few blocks away, and he had an ample amount of time to get there.

"Hello there," Felix turned his head to see a man, likely in his mid 30's, standing a little bit too close to him for his liking while they were waiting for the traffic light to change.

Having an unpronounced status in a city this big was suppose to come with certain advantages, such as the ability to blend into the background, where most people wouldn't pay much attention to you. However, for someone like Felix, things were always just a little bit different.

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