Baby, Baby, We Gon' Do It Day & Night

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Chan and Jisung drove Felix home, wanting to help the younger settle back into his apartment. Even though Felix was given the green light and cleared to remove his ankle brace while he was down in Australia, Chan had been very clear about not wanting the younger to do anything that could be considered strenuous quite yet.

And apparently, according to the alpha, carrying his own luggage up the two flights of stairs of his apartment building would count as 'strenuous activity'.

"Channie, I can hold it!" Felix giggled, arm outstretched as if he was ready to grab the suitcase and make a break for it up the stairwell.

The alpha was already one step ahead though, clearly reading the younger's mind. With a mischievous smirk Chan quickly moved the luggage further and further out of Felix's reach.

"What, Channie-" Felix began to whine, but was quickly interrupted by the elder.

"No, it's too heavy." He hissed, looking down at Felix's still outstretched hand.

"Hmmm. But if you want to hold something so badly then you can hold my hand," the alpha suggested with a flirtatious wink, reaching for the younger's outstretched hand and intertwining their fingers together.

Felix's hand was so soft, and Chan couldn't help but notice the size difference of their hands. His own alpha hand was significantly much larger in comparison to Felix's little dainty one.

Thats strange, most alphas have naturally big hands, even soon to be ones.

"Lix I never realized how tiny your hands were." He commented, causing Felix to frown.

"They're perfectly normal size," the younger muttered, "they can carry big things, you know, like my suitcase for example-"

"I'm not letting you carry it no matter how hard you try, Lix." Chan quickly scolded, his tone leaving little to no room for debate.

"But..." Felix pouted, looking over at Jisung in hopes that he'd offer a bit of help to the situation. "Sung-"

"Uh uh, no way. I am not helping you with this one. You shouldn't be doing anything that would risk hurting your ankle again. I am team Chan all the way on this one." Jisung laughed, holding up his hands defensively as he made eye contact with the smirking alpha. 

"Good boy," Chan praised, opening the door to the apartment's stairwell that would lead them directly up to the younger's floor.

Felix unraveled his hand from the alphas, his pout only deepening as he crossed both of his arms over his chest.

He glared directly towards Jisung, looking rather unamused. "You shouldn't be picking favorites, you know..."

"Oh my god... Look at how adorable you are, my little baby," Jisung couldn't help but tease, unintentionally ignoring the younger's words completely.

He simply found the sight of the pouty upset Felix to be so stinking adorable.

How much I just want to kiss that pout away...

Felix's eyes narrowed as he starred the beta down. "You aren't disagreeing with me; clearly Channie's your favorite."

Jisung dismissed the insecure comment with an eye roll. He walked closer to the younger, gently wrapping his arm around Felix's waist while resting his thumb on the younger's hip.

With a subtle move, he slipped his fingertip under the edge of Felix's tshirt, allowing himself access to the younger's soft and warm skin, and began tracing small circles around his hip bone. "No, I'm not," he murmured, leaving a soft kiss on Felix's shoulder.

Love Without Limits: OT8 Stray Kids Omegaverseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें