One Way Emotion, Satisfaction

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"I have a very straightforward solution for this," Minho growled as he began to tilt Felix's head to the side. The omega obediently bared his neck to the alpha, his unmarked neck on full display. The elder took that as a silent agreement, solidifying his next choice. "No one will dare to touch you after this."

Nobody could have anticipated what was going to happen next. In an instant, Minho sank his teeth into the omega's neck, making sure to thoroughly mark him for the next three months.


Felix's heart raced in his chest, his anxiety growing rapidly when Minho nudged his head to the side. Being the submissive omega he was, he instantly complied, not even realizing what he was doing as he bared his neck towards his alpha, unwittingly tempting and edging him on further.

On a subconscious level, he desired to submit; he wanted to please Minho and find a way to soothe his angry alpha.

However, he wasn't fully conscious of the way his body would automatically respond to the alpha's aggression; his omega instincts were still so unfamiliar to him.

What happened next was all a blur.

His ears began to ring, and his eyes widened as the alpha's sharp teeth suddenly pierced deeply over his scent gland. A faint, strangled whimper involuntarily escaped his lips, causing the other alpha's in the room to tense in response to his sudden cries.

The bite was rather painful at first; however, it slowly developed into a sensation of pleasure, as though his alpha had the ability to inject him with some kind of euphoric venom.

As the pleasure slowly creeped through him, his body instinctively went pliant in Minho's arms; rendering him perfectly obedient as he allowed his alpha to finish marking him fully.

Then, just as abruptly as it had all began, it came to an end.

Felix's head felt a bit floaty as he found himself teetering in a secondary sub-space. Although he could definitely hear voices in the room, he was so intoxicated by his alpha's bite that he couldn't really register the argument that had erupted around him.

He probably wouldn't have wanted to hear it anyways. In short, Chan and Changbin were pissed.

Both of the alpha's had been forced to standby and listen to the whimpers from their distressed omega. Neither of them had dared to make a move, not even lifting a finger tip, fearing that if they had tried to remove Felix from Minho that it would have caused more harm than good.

So they remained still, frozen in place like statues as shock washed over them. They hadn't anticipated Minho to become so overly possessive of Felix to the point where the alpha felt the need to mark him, without consent.

"Minho," Chan growled loudly from across the room, his fiery red eyes fixated on the newly claimed omega whimpering softly in his mate's arms. "What the hell did you just do?"

Minho paused before responding, taking his time to delicately lick over the fresh wound he had just created. He was amazed to see it already beginning to heal, a positive sign that the omega was accepting their bond.

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