We'll Be Dancin' With The Shadows In The Night

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Buckle up, ladies and gents; this whole chapter is basically just straight up Jilix.
Fun Fact: This was one of the very first chapters I had ever written for this book, it was what prompted me to begin writing this whole series.


"Are you sure you can watch him the next few days?" Chan asked, his expression filled with concern as he nervously nibbled on his bottom lip. He didn't want to entrust one baby with another, but he felt like he had no other choices at this point.

After only two days, Felix's use of the new scent blockers had caused the omega to develop a painful rash directly over his scent glands. According to google, this was one of the more unusual side effects for most omegas, but it was enough to prompt them in making the ultimate decision to completely remove them.

It was extremely painful, but fortunately Jeongin had managed to find time to drop off some ointment that night, which had provided some relief for the affected area.

But, as a result of this, Chan could no longer remain by Felix's side, especially when the omega was still in active heat.

The alpha was strong, always bragging about being the strongest one in his entire pack, but even he wasn't strong enough to resist Felix's alluring scent.

He doubted anyone in the world would ever be strong enough to resist such an omega.

Or maybe it was just because Chan was the most whipped, wimpy alpha there was. Who knows.

The heat suppressants definitely helped to some extent with Felix's symptoms, minimizing his cramps and thankfully keeping his libido at a bare minimum. However the meds had their own set of side effects, leaving the omega feeling weak, fatigued, and even a bit lethargic.

After Felix took the very first pill, Chan made a decision to prohibit the younger from using either of these products again after his heat. They didn't seem to be the most effective, and the benefits did not outweigh the consequences, especially since they were altering Felix's behaviors and such.

Additionally, Chan urgently needed to return to work, as Changbin and Jisung had been 'holding down the fort' up until now. Let's just say JYP was less than pleased with their progress.

There wasn't really a good excuse for them to be missing deadlines, considering they obviously kept Felix's situation a secret and didn't disclose their own interest in the omega to JYP.

Why would they anyway. JYP would likely fire Felix on the spot if he found out, considering it would be "going against his contract"; something Chan had only been informed of after their group meeting, the one that occurred right before the disastrous radio show.

As a result of all this, it was decided that since Jisung was a beta and aware of Felix's situation, he would be the one to stay with him until his heats done. An omega's scent doesn't affect a beta in the same way it does to an alpha, making him the safest option.

Chan was really hoping Jisung would be able to focus and work from home. He thought that being out of the studio might provide him with the distraction-free environment he needed in order to write his raps within a reasonable timeframe.

It was wishful thinking on the leader's part.

"Yes Chan, I'm sure." Jisung reassured, dismissing the alphas concerns.

"Okay. Now, you have to be extremely punctual with his heat medication, okay? Please don't forget. It needs to be given at 8am and at 8pm. Repeat after me Ji; Felix must take his medication every 12 hours." Chan had him repeat the message twice, just for safe measure. The alpha also thought it would be a good idea to set alarms back to back; because, you know, one can never be too careful.

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