I'll Die, So Can You Please Come Over Closer?

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"Lix? Hey, Angel... What's wrong-" he started, but fell silent as the omega turned to look at him with tear-streaked cheeks and a hurt expression.

"You... you took apart my nest?"


"Lixie," Hyunjin called out desperately, rapping his knuckles against the bedroom door for what felt like the hundredth time that day. "Please, talk to me," he pleaded, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

He had been standing in the dimly lit hallway for nearly twenty minutes now, persistently knocking on the door ever since Felix had slammed it in his face.

The omega wouldn't answer him, blatantly ignoring the alphas pleas as he offered nothing but radio silence from the other side of the door.

Just standing there banging on the door was rather exhausting for the alpha, and the repeated striking of his knuckles against the wooden door left them feeling raw. He feared that if he didn't stop, they would end up splitting open and bleeding everywhere.

But he refused to stop until he got Felix to answer him.

"Please, open up, baby. I'm sorry," he implored once more, his voice laced with worry as he pounded his fist against the door. He used a bit more force this time, hoping it would be enough to catch the omegas attention.

And surprisingly, it worked.

"No!" Felix finally screamed back at him through the door, a gut-wrenching sob following that just made Hyunjin's heart break. "Get away from me!"

Hyunjin sighed heavily as he rested his forehead against the cold door. "Angel, please. I'm begging you to come to the door. I'm so sorry, I didn't know," he tried to explain, his words heavy with regret.

"Just leave me alone!" Felix choked out, his voice cracking with pain and betrayal.

The memory of Felix's pained expression flashed in Hyunjin's mind, and he flinched at the recollection before banging loudly against the door once more.

He needed to see Felix; he needed to make sure his omega was okay.

"No, Angel. I can't just leave. We need to talk. Please, just open the door," Hyunjin pleaded, raising his voice a bit louder this time, only to hear quiet sniffles from the omega in response.

He's getting no where with this tactic.

He was truly losing his patience, even considering breaking down the door. However, before he could act on his impulses, his attention was diverted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Chan, Minho, and Jeongin appeared behind him in the hallway, their expressions a blend of concern and confusion.

"What's happening?" Chan inquired, furrowing his brows as he attempted to comprehend the scene before him.

Why was his bedroom door closed? And why did it sound like Felix was crying? And why was Hyunjin's hand covered in red, bloody marks?

Hyunjin ran a hand through his hair, thoroughly tousling his crimson locks, clearly frustrated by the situation at this point. "I messed up, and Felix went and locked himself in your room, and now he won't even let me in to apologize!"

Jeongin took a cautious step forward, pressing his ear up against the door. "Lixie? Baby, why did you lock the door?" he asked, anxiously waiting for any type of response from the younger.

Love Without Limits: OT8 Stray Kids OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now