I Won't Let You Go Until The Ending

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Chan was the first one to wake up in the morning.

He immediately flung the mountain of blankets off of himself, landing them directly onto his two sleeping mates beside him with a heavy groan.

He was sweating so profusely you would have thought he had been forced to roast in the deepest parts of hell for the last 6 hours.

Truthfully, he hardly ever used a blanket. He found them to be both too hot and too thick, making him feel like a giant roasted hot potato. Personally, he preferred to sleep without anything covering him, including clothes. He favored the all natural route; preferring to just be completely naked while laying in bed- like Adam and Eve.

The only reason he currently had an abundance of blankets was of course for their omega.

I swear they're just trying to cook me alive with all these blankets.

Chan grumbled to himself, using the back of his hand to wipe his sweaty forehead. He needed to find a way to cool himself down, choosing to sprawl himself out on top of the bed and let the chilly morning air nip at his skin.

In that position, he resembled that of a boiled starfish. It was truthfully comical, too bad nobody was awake to see it.

The two sleeping figures beside him were still softly snoring, with Felix curled up and practically sleeping on top of Jeongin. He couldn't help but smile at his two mates looking so snug together, and he gently tucked the blanket in around them so they could keep warm.

He propped himself up onto his side, quietly observing them and being careful not to disturb their peaceful slumber.  He watched their chests subtly rising and falling with each tranquil breath, thinking back to last night and all the events that had magically landed them to that very moment.

Even if I could, I wouldn't go back to change a damn thing.

Jeongin had seemed so incredibly happy last night; the beta had waddled back into his bedroom with arms full of blankets, stating they were necessary for Felix's comfort.

Chan had raised a questioning eyebrow at him, to which Jeongin explained that he did some research about omega's in general, and learned how easily they get cold. He had wanted to make sure he knew how to properly care for Felix once he got the chance to meet him; and now that they had, he was ready to put all of his new omega knowledge to use!

Chan had just raised his hands in surrender, backing away to allow the beta to properly tuck in the younger as he went into the bathroom to undress and wash his face.

It took a while, but once Jeongin was satisfied that the omega wouldn't freeze overnight, he climbed into bed himself, claiming the spot directly next to Felix. Chan returned back shortly after, almost fully naked, and was happy as ever to climb in next to Jeongin.

The omega had felt the bed dip down, and he instinctively rolled over to cuddle closer to Jeongin, making the beta feel an overwhelming sense of pure happiness.

He was practically floating away on cloud9, unable to contain his excitement as he rambled on and on the entire night to Chan about how he officially felt accepted by their omega.

Of course, Chan just laid there, a love struck grin plastered on his face as he obediently listened to everything the beta had to say.

"He's just so adorable," the beta had whispered, still swooning over the omega asleep in his arms; "I feel like I now understand how you all fell for him so quickly..."

Only a few minutes after the alpha had woken up, the beta had begun to stir. Jeongin used his one free hand to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes, blinking a few times as he tried to let everything come into focus. Eventually his eyes met Chan's, a tender smile passing between the two of them.

Love Without Limits: OT8 Stray Kids OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now