Drive Non-Stop, Feel The Heat Inside

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Felix remained out of dance practice and did most of his schooling online for the following days, per Minho.

Both 3RACHA and Minho appeared to grow more attached to Felix for some reason; and the younger, who had once wished not to be left alone, now found himself yearning for any time he could spend just by himself.

Monday was coming sooner than expected. In turn that just meant that 3RACHA was getting clingier and clingier, while Minho became grumpier and grumpier with each passing day.

And Felix heavily believed that Minho was so upset with him for deciding to go through with his plans to leave for Australia, that it was the reason Minho didn't show up at the airport that morning to help send him off.

"Hyunggg," Felix whined as Changbin had him in a bone-crushing hug, lifting him just an inch off the ground to ensure he didn't hurt his ankle.

"Stay just a bit longer?" The alpha pleaded. "I'll even let you squeeze my muscles," he offered, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Yeez, always so clingy.

"Mmmm, very tempting. But my mom is waiting for me," Felix giggled,  wrapping his arms around Changbin and giving him one last tight squeeze before lightly kicking his feet, indicating he was ready to be put down on the ground.

"Should we just kidnap him? We can lock him up in our home, he's in no state to fight back," Jisung tried to whisper to Chan, but Felix clearly heard it.

The blonde gave a playful smack on the betas shoulder.

"I heard that; and no, you cannot kidnap me." He tried to puff out his chest, attempting to look intimidating. "And I could put up quite the fight! I did taekwondo for about 12 years."

"Aw that's so cute," Chan teased, lightly pinching the younger's cheeks. "But Lix, I truly don't think you could even hurt a fly."

Felix tried to put a menacing scowl on his face, "I could! If I really wanted to, I could!"

"Mmm, nice try Little One, but even your scowl isn't intimidating. You just look like an angry little kitten right now."Chan cooed as the younger jutted out his bottom lip, forming the most adorable pout.

The alpha couldn't resist leaning over and giving a quick peck on Felix's cheek, watching as the blonde's cheeks became bright red.

This is the final boarding call for flight 372A to Sydney, Australia. Please proceed to gate 2B immediately for boarding. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call. Thank you.

"Okay, now I really have to go," Felix muttered, pulling his backpack from Changbin and wrapping it around his shoulders, adjusting his crutches.

"Come back soon. I'll miss you, baby boy," Jisung said, ruffling the younger's soft blonde hair.

"Hey," Felix whined, trying to reflatten his messed up curly blonde hair. "I'll be back soon Sungie. I wish I could've spent your special day with you," he said before standing on his top toes and leaving a peck on the betas cheek. "Happy birthday."

"I think I just died," Jisung gasped dramatically, practically falling into Changbin as they two began play fighting.

"I'm jealous. Someday I want to return home to australia with you. I hope you enjoy your time home, Little One," Chan said, gently kissing the top of Felix's jostled blonde hair.

"Bye, princess. Hurry back," Changbin winked, before locking Jisung into another headlock.

The younger just rolled his eyes, a small giggle escaping his lips as he said his final goodbyes.

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