Val Meets STEM

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

Students flooded into the John Quincy Adams Science Lab as the bell rang, taking their assigned seats before class started.

"Nooo, I hate this class." Maya complained, clinging to the doorframe as Val and Annie tried to pull her inside.

Annie tugged harder "Do you even know which one it is?"

"I'm gonna need a clue."

Farkle pushed past, knocking Maya loose from the door and into the classroom as he danced excitedly "Doo dah, doo, dah, doo doo dah, da da da da da dah!" He sang, finishing his number pointing at their teacher.

"Science." Maya deadpanned, pushing herself up.

"Morning Farkle, what's new?" Mr. Norton greeted the genius.

"I'm reading this great book on anti-gravity. I can't put it down!"



Mr. Norton was an older teacher, but one of the better ones. Val found science very interesting and would normally have enjoyed the class. The only drawback was her partner this month, Brad Davis. The idiot football jock who spent the whole lesson either hitting on her or firing spitballs at their classmates. He was a stereotypical meathead who expected Val to do all the work, while still claiming he was smarter than her. Everyone else had partners that at least pulled their weight. Maya had been paired with Lucas and Riley with Farkle while Annie was teamed up with Zay.

Val sat down, ignoring the flirtatious wink Brad sent her way.

Maya thunked her head down on her desk "I hate this class." She repeated, letting Lucas pull her up by the shoulders.

"Get over it, Hart." Val rolled her eyes "Science is cool."

"Thank you, Miss Matthews." Mr. Norton grinned "Now, ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to join me on a journey of discovery. Your midterm experiment!"

"Ugh." The class groaned.

"Yay!" Val and Farkle high fived.

Maya turned to Lucas "Do I look sleepy to you?"

Mr. Norton continued with the instructions "In front of you, each team will find a beaker of a clear, liquid solution."

"Oh, boy he's like a sleep machine." Maya closed her eyes.

"And, next to that-" Mr. Norton leaned over his podium conspiratorially "and here's where it gets exciting- a mystery marble!"


Lucas caught her head before she could smack it on the desk. He shared a look with Val, who was crumpling up notebook paper.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"This." Val chucked a wad at Annie, hitting her in the back.

Annie slumped forward head in her arms, also soundly asleep. Zay poked her with a pencil and she swatted at him grumpily.

"At least she doesn't announce it." Zay gave up.

Mr. Norton didn't seem bothered by the snoozing girls "Right after school, precisely at 3:15, one member of each team will drop the marble into the beaker. The elements in the marble will break down overnight and turn into sludge. Then, the other team member will discover what that sludge is and what it takes to turn the beaker back to clear."

Val frowned "That doesn't seem very fair. One person does next to nothing and the other does all the hard work? And I'm guessing it's one grade for both of us, right?"

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