Val Meets the Tell-Tale-Tot

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

The Matthews family was eating breakfast and for once there was peace in their home. That lasted all of three seconds. But it was the quietest three seconds Val had had in a long time. Then Maya burst in.

"All right, weirdos. Listen up and listen up good. I got like a minute before he walks through the door." She announced.

"Who?" Riley asked.

"Your Uncle Boing."

"Oh, Maya, you've got to get off of this." Riley sighed.

"Really?" Val rolled her eyes "He's not into you, Maya. That's okay."

"Nope. The reason he's not interested is because I've been playing it all wrong. See, my strategy of turning into a total nut job at the mere sight of him ain't working out as planned." Maya said thoughtfully.

"Maya, it's nothing you're doing. It's the age difference." Riley tried to tell her friend.

"Three years older. Your dad married your mom. He's like 20 years older."

Val choked on her waffle "Gross!" She coughed, hacking her lungs out.

"We're exactly the same age." Cory said.

"What?!" Riley asked, astonished.

"I just need to be caszh. How's this?" Maya put her feet up on the table right in Val's breakfast.

"That's okay, I wasn't that hungry anyways." Val said and her stomach growled loudly "Oh, quiet you."

Topanga chuckled and pushed Maya's feet off the table "Yeah, how's this?"

Val lifted her plate and headed to the sink to wash it off and put it in the dishwasher.

"Hey, family." Uncle Josh walked in with a bright smile on his face.

"Yeah, hi. I don't care." Maya twirled her hair around her finger.

"My brother!" Josh greeted Cory.

"My brother!" Cory responded and they hugged.

"So, Riley, shouldn't we be like heading to school now, since there's nothing here for me of any interest?" Maya asked calmly.

"Sure. Let's go." Riley smiled.

"Think she'll make it out the door?" Auggie asked his sisters.

"I give her 10 seconds before she jumps on his head." Riley bet.


"Five seconds before she jumps on his head and rides him like a bull while he tries to buck her off." Val laughed quietly.

"I came up here because I wanted to do this in front of all of you. I hold in my hand an envelope from New York University." Josh said, holding up an envelope.

Maya stopped walking making Riley bump into her and say "Ohh. Are we stopping?"

"I'm not stopping. I'm resting." Maya lied and kept walking.

"What's in this envelope tells me where I'm gonna be for the next four years." Josh announced.

Maya stopped again.

"Ohh. Are we stopping?" Riley asked.

"I'm not as young as I used to be."

"Good luck, Josh." Riley said as she pulled Maya out the door.

"Yeah, hi. I don't care." Maya said quickly.

Josh looked confused "Is it just me or is there a new maturity in Maya that I haven't seen before? I find it intriguing."

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