Val Meets Money

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

Lucas's arm was wrapped around Val's shoulders as they walked to history together, Maya, Zay, and Farkle a few steps behind them.

"And then I said, were you born this stupid or did you take lessons? Ha!" Farkle honked, making Maya snort.

"And what did Coach Gleason say to that?" Lucas wondered.

"You know him," Farkle's shoulders dropped "He made me run laps."

The group burst out laughing at the genius's dejected expression. Farkle's dour look melted and he joined in. As they approached the classroom, Val spotted Riley sitting soon the bench outside, she had her nose buried in a book but looked up as she heard them come down the hall.

"Val! Maya!" Riley stowed her book in her bag, jumping to her feet "Ready for class?"

"No." Maya avoided eye contact with the brunette, fiddling with her bag.

Val watched as Riley slumped, she really had been trying to earn their forgiveness, in her own Riley way. She'd bought a box of donuts, Val's favorite, with her own money and left them outside her door. She'd cleared the table after every meal, washing the dishes and putting the leftovers away. A warm new hat was left on Maya's locker, clearly handmade, and the next day a silver locket with a note inside.

I'm sorry.

Val still wasn't sure if this was real or not, if her sister just felt guilty and would slide back into her old ways the moment they forgave her. She wanted it to be genuine, but time and time again Riley had hurt her, why would this time be any different?

"Let's get to class." Lucas moved so he was holding her hand.

Val let him tug her gently through the door and to her desk, where a crisp dollar bill was sat.

"Hey! A dollar!" Maya whooped, her mood instantly improved "They're finally paying us to come here."

"Everyone says school is a full-time job, why shouldn't we get paid for it?" Zay held his dollar up to the light "Yep, that's a real one, right there. I could buy a cookie with this."

"Maybe they should pay the teachers a reasonable wage first." Val pointed out, shrugging her bag off her shoulder "They're the ones who have to deal with us."

Maya picked up her dollar "The dopes. I'd come here for nothing. You know why? I have to. It's the law. Stupid law. They chose to work here."

"Wait," Riley looked around the classroom "Everybody has one."

"So," Cory tried to lean against the doorframe but slipped, falling over "Aack!"

"Frame is still broken from Janitor Harley finding that spider." Val called, hiding her laughter behind her hand.

"I knew that." Cory pushed himself up "So, what do ya got there?"

"It's a trap!" Maya shouted, standing up "Everybody just give your dollars to me, and I'll hold them is what I'll do. Yeah."

Yogi moved to hand Maya his dollar, but Val shook her head "You won't get that dollar back."

"Spoil my fun, why don't you?" Maya sat back down with a pout.

"The United States government says that these pieces of paper are worth something." Cory started class "What makes them valuable? Farkle, do it." He pointed at the boy genius.

"Paper money used to be certificates that you could exchange for their equal value in gold or silver." Farkle recited "Before that, people would trade or buy things with livestock, colored stones, or shiny objects."

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