25. Worried

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The next week has flown by so fast that Katsuki feels like he blinked and missed it.

Once Izuku had another appointment with Dr Mori telling him he wanted the surgery things flew into super overdrive.

Izuku had blood test, heart scans and x-rays and a slew of other test to make sure he was cleared for surgery. He had countless consultations with specialists telling him how the process would go and what to expect afterward making sure that he was comfortable with everything that would be taking place.

Katsuki was right by his side through every single appointment, listening carefully making sure to ask more questions than Izuku had and barking orders of his own to be sure everything would go as smoothly as possible for the best outcome.

Now in some sort of warped speed it's the day of Izuku's surgery and Katsuki Bakugo, the current number one hero who is normally not scared of most anything is standing in the waiting room while they prep his boyfriend for surgery is experiencing small waves of absolute terror that he refuses to let show even though his very core is shaking and he feels like he might vomit everything he has ever eaten any minute all over the white hospital tile.

The blonde is leaning back on the large hospital window, arms crossed, seriousness etched across his features. He might be able to hide his feelings to most, but a raven-eyed teacher who had watched the hero closely since he was his student can see right through the facade.

Aizawa sighs as he walks over to the blonde with his hands in the pockets of his black jumpsuit.

" He'll be fine Katsuki, Izuku is a strong kid."

Crimson eyes meet the underground pro heroes.

" Yeah, I know."

" Dr. Mori is extremely capable of this type of surgery and has performed them several times with great success."

Katsuki gives him a stren look.

" Yeah well, he hasn't done this surgery to my boyfriend before and all I can say is that for his sake there better not be any complications or he and his career end today. Fireblast will hit him so fast he won't fucking understand what happened and no doctor on the face of this earth will be able to put him back together again. So like I said, I hope for his sake he's on his game while he has my everything cut open in there."

Aizawa almost smiles at the words just spoken, the words that tell just how much Izuku Midoriya has always meant to the brash, bold blonde who had always kept his feelings inside.

The Pro nods.

" I understand your concerns Bakugo, but let's keep a positive mindset and think how important this will be if it helps Izuku walk again."

Katsuki says nothing only gives a slight nod as Aizawa pats his shoulder.

A new voice suddenly pulls the blonde hero's attention quickly.

"Mr. Bakugo? You can come back and see Mr. Midoriya before his surgery if you would like.", a nurse with a pleasant smile says as she steps into the room.

He follows her immediately without another word.

He's led back into a small prep room where Izuku is resting on the stretcher waiting for his turn in the operating room. He smiles immediately when he sees his boyfriend.

" Hi Kacchan! Well, it looks like I'm all set to go next."

Katsuki smirks with an ache in his chest seeing the greenett in his hospital gown hooked up to IV ports, surgical hairnet over green locks. Light brown compression socks covering his feet. He walks over and takes a seat on the stool beside the bed.

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